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The red,warm liqurd rolling onmy pale wrists.The warm tears covering my face with a ocean.The bloody towel sitting beside me smiled with joy.I deserved all this pain,all this stress,all this misory.A buzz went off in my head,like a telephone ringing.The buzzing got louder as my vison started to blur. Soon i was coverd in a blanket of darkness.Soon,a figure with the warm,thick liquiod i knew so well all over his body.Suddenly,i stood up and just hugged him. Like i knew him from some where. Soon a voice approched. 

" Ender, you may not remember me, but i'm your older brother Bodil666. And as a sixteen year old, you are ready to join my kingdom of darkness, as the Princess of Darkness." Joy filled my body. A evil smile creped onto my face."Bodil,can i ask a question?" I asked with a hint of exsitment. " Anything my dear sister." He awnserd. " The blood, how did you earn that master piece." I snifed the magnifacent sent. He smiled as he hugged me closer to him." Murdering those who don't join,or betrayed me." I smiled and closed my eyes. A dream enterd my head. 

                                                     ~ DREAM~ 

The horrid screams filled me with satifaction. Their blood came pouring from my eyes and onto my clothes and pale skin. My enderman outfit coverd with a thick,red liquoud.A guy with three heads and a wither form flew down beside me on my left. The son of herobine on my right and a guy with ender dragon form too. My brother stood beside me. The evil smile enterd my lips again. We walked into a villege and murdering anything in that villege. The last person was my childhood bestfriend who helpedme through everything. I didnt murder him,insted i hugged him. " Daniel,idid it. I am me,just like you said. Thank you." He smiled and walked back. A green flash went all around him.He walked behind me, the king of creepers,King Daniel. 

                                         ~Dream end~ 

I awoke on Bodils back.I heard him singing a song. 

Made a wong turn, once or twice,

Dug my way out blood and fire 

Bad decisions, thats alright 

Welcome to my silly life 

Mistreated,misplaced,misunderstood, miss"no way it's all good" 

It didnt slow me down 

Mistaken, always second guessing 

Underestimated,look i'm still around 

Pretty pretty please,dont you ever ever feel,like your less than, fucking perfect 

Pretty pretty please dont you ever ever feel,like your nothing, you're fucking perfect to me 

Your so mean, when you talk,about yourself you where wrong

Change the voices in your head, make them like you insted 

So compicated,look how we all make it 

fuild with so much hatred 

such a tired game, its enough i've done all i can think of chased down all my deamons

i see you do the same ohh 

pretty pretty please dont you ever ever feel like your less than, fucken perfect 

pretty pretty please,if you ever ever feel,like your nothing, you're fucking perfect to me 

The whole worlds scared so i swollow the fear, the only thing i sould be drinking is an ice cold beer,so cold in line and try try try,but its a wast of our time,done looking for trhe critics cuse there everywhere,they dont like my jeans they dont get my hair, strain our selfves and we do it all the time,why do we do that why do i do that, why do i do that?  

I smile. I played that song all the time because this song represents my life. I think Bodil relised that i'm awake because he put me off his back.We talked about his kingdom that he runs and how he's "King Bodil666". After about an hourwe walked up to a huge castle and kindom. The walls where coverd in blood,and all the watch gards had icy stares. Bodil yelled a word and the gates opend. When we walked into the the busy wasp's nest the three people i saw in my dream approched us. 

" Hello Princess Ender, I'm Withermu,thats Skybrine, and Enderlox" He pointed to all of them. " Hi, i'll take you to you room" The one named EnderLox told me. I followed him. He was my around my age. He talked how he ended up here etc. When we got my room he opend the berch wood door slowly. " Say,may i do one thing quickly?" He asked. With out an awnser he kissed me. His warm,soft lips moved in sink with me. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I let him exsplore my mouth. After a while we broke apart from the sweet,pasonite kiss. I hugged him." You know lox,even though we just met, i think i like you." He smiled and put his head on mine." I do too ender" 

hjdfudlfguiswfguwefguiwkfgewu AUTHORS NOTEhkisdyiskfgdlkfyifguwis; 

SOOO YOU LIKEY? I made a new ship name! Its EnderLox :) I'm so brillent. So  this took me an hour. But it was worth it:) 

Play Safe Gamers 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2014 ⏰

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