Chapter 5

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When my voice broke the silence in an angry tone, Tobias nearly fell backwards from his squatting position. "What the hell?" He questioned himself if I was alright? He doesn't waste time wondering but jumps up and runs toward the sound of my voice, bursting through the door without hesitation. He can't see me right away, but it doesn't take long for him to realize I'm in the bathroom. The light is on, and the door is wide open, so he runs to the door jamb to find out why I screamed.

"What's wrong?" he blurts out. I don't have to answer him as he notices the puddle of water collecting by my feet right away. "Oh, shit!"

"I know you said I'd pay when I least expected it, but can you please leave the house out of it. No pranks that have anything to do with Crescent View, alright?"

He shakes his head and for a moment, I think he is going to deny that he was responsible. "I am so sorry, Tris. I didn't do this intentionally."

"Oh really? So, what, the pipes decided on their own that I needed to be hosed down?"

"Ah, no, not exactly."

I cross my arms over my chest, staring at him, waiting for him to explain his way out of this.

Tobias disappears before replying, but he's back within seconds carrying a full roll of paper towels. "I swear, this was an accident." He looks at me, still scowling at him. "A funny accident, but definitely an accident."

"I'm listening." I don't think there is anything he can say that will convince me this isn't his way of getting payback, but I allow him to speak nonetheless.

"I was working on your sink earlier when you called me from prison. I'd just loosened up the pipes to find out why your sink was draining so slowly when I got your call. I went down to the police station right away, figuring I'd finish when we got back, but I completely forgot about it. I put the sign on your door because I honestly thought I was finished in here."

I wanted to believe him, I really did. His expression looked sincere enough, and watching him drop to his knees to mop up the water was quite convincing as well. He looked up at me from his spot on the floor as I towered over him. "I honestly had no intention of playing a joke on you like this. I just wanted you to think I would."

It didn't take much to convince me he was telling the truth. His expression was one of pure regret and he looked afraid I wouldn't believe him. "Okay. If you say it was an accident, then I believe it was an accident." I dropped down low, pulling more sheets off the roll to help clean up the mess. "So, there will not be any revenge for the way I treated you?"

Tobias let out an exasperated sigh. "I'd say we are about even, wouldn't you?" He smiled sheepishly at me and any anger I thought I was still holding on to was washed away."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Good. So, maybe we should just start over. Pretend none of this ever happened."

"And how do we do that?"

Tobias bit his lower lip. It was actually quite adorable. "Let's go out for a drink. I mean, if you want to. We can just talk and get to know each other a little bit. Once we are both good and drunk, we'll go to the local hypnotist where we will be convinced that none of this ever happened."

I let out a burst of laughter. He definitely had a sense of humor. "I guess that sounds like a plan, as long as you fix my sink first."

"Absolutely. I'll do that right now, and then I'll finish the porch. Then I'll just shower and we can go. Sound good?"

Undying Love : A FourTris Divergent StoryWhere stories live. Discover now