New Everything (Part 2)

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My eyes open to the sun shining through the window above my bed, I snuggle deeper into my fluffy pillows and sigh in content. Last night I had walked around my whole house and it was a beautiful site, I love it so much. I also finished unpacking everything into my drawers and putting all my other belongings into the right places, I even placed a few of my books that I had brought with me from New York; my dad had bought me a ton of books when I was younger because how much of a book worm I am, but I couldn't fit them all and so I stuck to picking out my ten favourite books. Now all I need to do is go shopping for some utensils and food, maybe even a few new pairs of clothes.
     After laying in bed for another hour I finally decide to get up to get ready for today, I walk over to the bathroom that is connected to my room after grabbing a pair of white jeans and a black long sleeved shirt. Picking a towel out of the cupboard, I place it on the toilet seat since it's closest to the open shower, strip off my clothes from the previous day and walk around the glass and step into the shower.

   Twenty minutes later I step out of the shower, pick up my towel and wrap it around my self as I walk out of the bathroom and over to my phone that is sitting on my bed. Once I pick up my phone I walk back into the bathroom, turning on my phone I go right into the music app and put my playlist on shuffle. The song Stargazing by Kygo blasts from my phone and I smile as I start to sing along while drying off the rest of my body. I plug in my hair dryer and blow dry my hair which takes 30 minutes, I have dirty long blonde hair that reaches just above my butt. It can be a pain in my ass most of the time, but I couldn't see myself cutting it short I just love the way it compliments the way I look and plus everyone seems to love it too.
       After blow drying my hair I put on my undergarments and then put on the rest of my clothes. As I'm finished putting on the rest of my clothes I gasp as I hear the song Sexyback by Justin Timberlake come on I haven't heard this in ages oh my god, I use to be obsessed with this song when I had heard it on the radio; my dad use to laugh and tease me about it because I never understood what the song meant until I hit the age 11.

  I start singing and dancing along while I try to attempt to put on some light make up on. Even though I don't like to admit it.... I look a lot like my dad, I'm at the height of 5'5, I have tanned skin like my father, and have hazel eyes.
        After I'm done getting ready I pick up my phone and go down stairs to eat some food that I had brought with me from New York. I knew I wouldn't have a way to go into town just yet, so I came prepared. I sit down on the stool at the island in the kitchen and go through my phone while I eat, I see that I have text messages from each of the avengers and three of them have told me to call them once I get the chance. I laugh and shake my head as I read one of my dads texts "you better call me first before anyone else and if I hear you have called Steven before me I will fly down there and pester you. And that is a promise young lady" he even added the winking face.

Pressing the call button I raise my phone to my ear and wait for him to pick up. After 4 rings I hear the click of the phone and my dad saying "Princess!" Breathlessly. Oh dad "Did you fall on your ass while running to your phone again, daddy?" I say while laughing and I hear him clear his throat then say "umm no I did not and who said you can use such vulgar language?!" This just makes me laugh even more, I'm basically crying now and after a minute I control my laughter enough to answer him. "Since when do you care if I use 'vulgar' language, I think you're hanging out too much with Steven. He's always been the one to tell me to watch my language, but you? That new" I hear him groan and picture him rolling his eyes, I hear him whisper "that old man is forcing his old man ways on me now." That sets me off into another set of laughter and that is how the conversation goes, but eventually he asks about how everything is and if I like the house and what it's like here.
       An hour later I hang up after telling him that I love him and that I'll call him some other time. I'll just call my old pal Steven later tonight and with that I through the cardboard container in the trash and go to put on my shoes to go outside.

   I slide my phone into my back pocket, pick up my keys from the little bowl on the side table and walk out the door and lock it before walking down the pathway to the road. Looking around I see that there's a forest in front of my house, also to the left of me down the road is a cute white house and that seems to be all for my neighbours, I guess that's a good thing, I'll only have to worry about one. I turn left and start walking down the road to go introduce myself to my neighbours, it takes me two minutes to reach the house. Once I reach the house I stand in front of the drive way, there are two cars one is a beat up red Chevy truck and the other is a police car. My eyebrows shoot upwards when my eyes land on the cop car, oh great I live beside a police officer I think as I roll my eyes, I absolutely hate the police, most of them are stuck up and just think they can get away with whatever they want because they are "the law." Maybe small town police won't be too bad though.... hopefully, and at that I walk up the driveway and walk up the steps to the front door. I take a deep breath before I knock on the door, make a first good impression and don't be awkward, the door swings open to a man who looks to be in his late 40s maybe early 50s and he has a dark moustache and dark brown eyes. I smile at him and stick out my hand for him to shake while introducing myself, "hello, I'm Princess Stark and I just moved into the house down the street. I thought it would be polite to introduce myself as your new neighbour" he takes my hand into his ruff hands and smiles back at me, but in a more awkward way, he seems like the awkward type, I'll have to use my dads social skills. "Oh uh hello, I'm Charlie Swan. Would you like to come in?" I nod my head yes "My daughter Bella is just upstairs in her room doing some homework, I'll call her down so you guys can meet, you look to be around her age" he tells me as I step into his house and follow him into what appears to be his living room. I look at the tv and see a football game playing on the tv, "yeah of course I'd love to meet her, maybe we'll become friends which would be a relief to know someone since I know no one here" I tell him as he walks over the the stairs and calls his daughter down. I take a seat on the couch as he walks back over to me and takes a seat in a brown recliner chair to the left of the couch.
          I look over to the entrance of the room as I hear footsteps coming down the stairs, a pretty girl who looks to be 17 or 18 comes into my view, she has long dark brown hair and is very pale. She walks over to me and her father while giving me a curious look, I'm guessing because there's a young stranger sitting in her living room. I smile brightly at her and stand up to walk over to her, as I'm right in front of her I take her by surprise by wrapping my arms around her shoulders to give her a quick hug and as I pull back I exclaim to her happily, "hello Bella, I'm Princess and I just moved in down the road" we walk over and sit on the couch while she says "Oh hi, I didn't know that the house was even sold." She looks at her dad with a questioning look and he just shrugs his shoulders. "So why did you decide to move to the small town we call Forks?" I look over to Charlie to answer his question, but before I can answer Bella asks me another question with a little laugh "Yeah and how did you even find out about this gloomy place?" I look at both of them while I shake my head and laugh these people seem like nice humble people, I'm glad. "Well to answer Charlie, I moved here because I felt like I needed to start off fresh and get away from everything that has happened back at home." I look away from Charlie to look at Bella as I say "and how I found out about this 'gloomy' place is I looked up towns in the middle of nowhere and came across Forks and thought it was a perfect fit for me." I smile at them both and sit back as they ask about where I came from, they seem genuinely interested and especially once I mentioned that I had been with the avengers and that my dad is one of them.

  We talked for about an hour telling each other a bit about each of us even though it was mostly me because they were intrigued by my life in which I feel flattered about, but funny at the same time. As we finish talking about one of my fond memories I have of the avengers, Bella tells me that her boyfriend will be coming over to pick her up to go over to his families house, " would you like to come? I'm sure they'd all love to meet you; you should come" she asks me, well more like begs me. I laugh and grab her hand while I stand up, "of course I'll come, I love meeting new people especially when I know no one and plus I wanna see this boy of yours since you seem so smitten of him" I exclaim and when I look over at her I see her eyes wide with a little tint of blush on her cheeks. She goes to say something, but gets cut off by a knock on the door. I say bye to Charlie as we put on our shoes, she grabs her jacket as she goes up to the door and before opening it she looks at me and says "are you ready?" I finish tying my shoes and stand up as I tell her with a huge grin "ready Freddy." She just laughs and opens the door. I can already tell that we're gonna be great friends and I'm happy that I've made my very first friend here in Forks..... Isabella Swan.

Princess Stark (Jacob Black imprint/avengers)  /// MEGA SLOW UPDATES...Where stories live. Discover now