Confiding In Them

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     The next few days are hell for me, I stayed inside and stayed in the same spot and only moved in order to go to the washroom which wasn't often since I have barely eaten or drank. No it's not because I'm choosing not to... Ive just began to slowly lose my appetite, most likely because of the serum. Fuck... anyways I've been ignoring everyone who tries to call me or comes to my door, I didn't expect my life to already be going to shit this fast and I just don't want anyone to see me the way I am. I'm starting to look like a dead girl, I only texted dad to make sure he doesn't worry about me... but for the rest, Bucky, Steve, Nat, Clint, Bruce, and even Thor; I've been ignoring and especially the Cullen's, the wolves and Bella. It's gotten so bad that I turned off my phone last night because it wouldn't stop buzzing from all the messages and calls, but that doesn't stop some of them from coming to my house and banging on my door... some of them have even tried getting in through my windows, I shake my head at the memory, those little rats man. I sigh as I get out of bed slowly, since my head is just a dull ache today I'm deciding to take a shower so I can go out to buy some more water and toiletries. Once I step into my bathroom I look into the mirror and stare at myself, the girl looking back at me isn't myself. Her eyes are sunken in from the lack of sleep from all of the headaches, she almost looks deathly pale and is hunched over from the aching in her body. I close my eyes and turn away from her not wanting to see her anymore, I gently take off my clothes and step into the hot shower.


    Once I finished drying off and getting changed I look back into the mirror at the girl and see that she looks a little better... a little. Fuck you Hydra wannabes, thank you for ruining my life. I make my down stairs and out the door, once I'm in my car I speed off down the road and past Bella's house. As I pass her house I see her leaving the house with Edward, I really do miss them all... especially the Cullen's and... Jacob. I shake my head gently so I can focus on the road, I try to sing along to the music playing through my car, but stop when I start to run out of breath... "Are you fucking kidding me, I can't even sing." I bang my hands on the steering wheel in frustration.
I pull up to an empty parking spot at a convenience store and hop out of the car, I pull up my hoody to block somewhat of my face as I make it into the store. I whisper to myself "They probably gonna think we trying to steal shit" I chuckle at myself and make my way over to the water. I pick up two packs and make my way to the cashier, once I finally make it there I'm breathing heavily, I try to lift them onto the counter, but fail and drop them onto the floor. I sigh frustratedly and go to try again, but the old lady behind the counter speaks up "Oh no sweets don't push yourself too hard it's okay, I can just type it in. Two packs right?" I look up at her gratefully and smile "Thank you and yes two." She gives me a kind smile before telling me the amount is, I pay for the water and walk out of the store while struggling to carry the packs of water. Once I make it to my car I throw them into the back seat in frustration which doesn't end up being a good idea because next thing I know is I'm crying out in pain as I clutch onto my right arm "Argh! Fuck me!" I get into my car angrily and speed off to go to the next store on my list, I'm too angry to notice a silver car driving right behind me and taking the same turns as I am. Before I know it I have four cars surrounding me, "What the fuck?" They all honk and as I look at each car I realize who they are... of fucking course. Instead of making a fuss I decide to follow them to their house, how the hell did they kno- oh right Alice probably had a vision. As we make it to the Cullen's I stop my car and before I can even turn off my car, my door is being ripped open and there standing, very pissed may I add, is Edward fucking Cullen. I sink into my seat not wanting to get out, but he doesn't seem to be pleased because before I know it I'm being dragged out of my car by my wrist. Ow fuck that's gonna leave a bruise, "Edward stop you're hurting me!" I begin to hit him with my free hand which ends up being a bad idea, I fall to the ground not be able to keep myself up anymore. Everyone comes running up to us screaming at Edward to stop, "Why have you been ignoring us?! We've called and called and we even went to your house! What is wrong with you!" Edward screams, I've never heard him so angry... it's actually kind of scary, I look down at my hands as my eyes start to swell up with tears I'm so tired and exhausted that I just want to go home. I should have never gone over to Bella's house that one day... I should have known making new friends would be a mistake when you're destined to die any day now, "why am I so stupid" I whisper out as a sob leaves my mouth. I see Edward take a step closer before saying more calmly "Answer me... please Princess" sobs start to take over my body as I hear the desperation and hurt in his voice. "I'm so sorry Eddie, I'm so sorry to a-all of you. I should have never allowed this to h-happen" I feel arms rap around me and rub my back as I continue to cry, "It's ok sweetie, sh it's ok. Let's go inside ok?" I nod a little at Esme, but then grab onto her sleeve as she begins to stand and whisper out "Can you please help me, I'm too exhausted..." I hear loud footsteps make their way over to me before two big strong arms pick me up gently, "Don't worry lil Princess, I got you" I sniffle and smile up at Emmet in gratitude as we all make our way into their house. I constantly have to keep myself from closing my eyes, they so badly want to close and not open again for a few days.
As we make it into the living room Emmet sets me down on the couch, I pull down my hood even more so they can't see my eyes. Both Alice  and Bella run over to my sides and sit next to me, Alice raps her arms around my left arm and Bella goes to grab my right hand, but I hesitate on allowing her to. She grabs my hand a flinches, "Oh my god Princess you're freezing, why are you so cold?!" I didn't think I was that cold... but I guess I was wrong. I lower my head and whisper out "I've just had the flue for the past few days-" I get cut off by Carlisle as he says "The flew? If it was that bad you should've come to the hospital to se-" "No! No it's um, I'm ok I just need medicine that's all..." I hear something fly across the room and shatter, I flinch and lean back into the couch. I feel Bella slip from out my grasp as she gets up from the couch "Edward! Calm down please! Why are you so angry?!" I hear Bella shout desperately, I'm causing so much problems I should have never come here... I should have just ran away. A tear slides down my cheek and lands on my and as Edward shouts "Because she is lying! I want to know the truth, but she isn't telling the truth! We are all worried sick, but she is shutting everyone out and I am sick of it!" "Edward stop it! You need to calm down, it is her decision on whether or not to tell us" Jasper says sternly, right when I thought everyone was gonna calm down all hell breaks loose. Shouting comes from all angles and my head starts to pound, pain starts to shoot through my head, my hands grasp each side of my head as I rock back and forth trying to stop the pain, but nothing is working. This needs to stop... its needs to stop... stop... stop! STOP! "STOP! JUST SHUT UP!" Silence... my head starts to go back to a dull pain and I sigh in relief, "Just please... stop arguing. I'm not worth fighting over, it will all be for nothing in the end... so just stop it." Now it's dead silence... sad silence, I should leave, I go to stand up, but before I can even try Edward is by my side holding me to his chest. I try to pull away, but he holds me tighter so I just give up and lean against him, "Don't ever, ever! Say you aren't worth it because you are, we all care about you... you are apart of our family now and you pushing us away hurts us... it hurts me. I want to protect you, but I can't if you don't tell me what's going on so pl-" I grab onto him and squeeze him as I say "You can't do anything to protect me from this Eddie... none of you can. This is all my fault, I should have known better than to allow people to get close to me like this... I should have been smarter. I'm sorry, but there is nothing you can do to stop this, it's gonna happen whether or not we like it or not. It hard enough for me to except it so I can't expect you guys to... which is why I don't want to tell you it." As I finish my speech I feel myself crying... again, when am I gonna stop crying, I'm acting pathetic. "Except what Princess? Please tell us..." I feel Alice sit down beside me again and rubs my back, I shake my head as more tears fall "I can't! I can't, I can't, I can't." Bella is the next to speak up, "Yes you can Princess, you can trust us, you can trust me... please we're all scared for you."
I sigh and pull away from Edward, but make sure to keep my head down. I sigh before whispering out "Okay fine... but promise me to not freak out and try to do something that is just not gonna work, nothing will work so just stay calm and try to except it." They all whisper out they promise, so I shakily lift my hands up to my hood and slowly take it off as I look up at everyone. I hear a few light gasps, "See I am sick... but not the kind where you get better in a few days." Before someone can say anything I raise my hand and say "Just wait... let me explain everything first," I take a deep breath before diving into how it all started. "Okay so one night my dad had gone out for date night with his girlfriend and the rest of the avengers were also busy. So since I had nothing to do I decided to go out to the park at night for some fresh air..." I shake my head at my stupidity, "as I was walking back home I heard someone following me, but before I could run I blacked out. I woke up in a black room tied to a metal chair, I didn't know what time or day it was. I tried to stay as calm as I could since I've been in sticky situations before, but this time it was different." I looked around at everyone with sadness in my eyes, "I tried to use my powers, but they wouldn't work and neither would my strength. Then a woman with short black hair and with half a metal face walked in the room... she told me they had injected me with a serum that would slowly kill me and that they use to work for Hydra, but branched off because they wanted to take down the avengers and what's better than killing off one of the avengers most precious child and most dearest friend. She then beat me, none of the cuts or bruises healed like they should have, I passed out again and woke up to them throwing me out of a van onto the sidewalk. Some nice old lady took me in and helped me and then I went back home the next day, I was lucky that I had only been gone for a day or two. I used the excuse of staying at a friends house." As I finish off my story the atmosphere feels heavy, the only breathing that can be heard are my rapid breaths and Bella's rigid ones. I sigh and say "so I didn't tell anyone and made up an excuse to move here so I could die alone or until I found a way to save my life... I couldn't bare telling any of them that the person they care about is gonna die in a few months. I am so so-" "Do not apologize for anything... you did nothing wrong, those people who put that stuff in your blood is who should be the one suffering. Not you." Jasper says angrily, I look around at them all to see them all clenching their fists and then all of a sudden Carlisle is kneeling in front of me grabbing my hands while saying "We're gonna do everything we can to find a way to save you, I will do everything I can. I'll contact the best people I know to help and from now on you'll be staying here. You shouldn't be alone just in case something is to happen, got it?" My eyes go wide in surprise at his dedication to helping me and before I can answer him Edward speaks up "Of course she's staying here, she has no choice" I look at him to see him smile gently at me so I turn back to Carlisle and say "okay I'll stay... thank you." Tears begin to spill from my eyes again and they all pull me into a group hug. maybe telling them wasn't such a bad idea... my heart feels less empty now.

Lolol another chapter, you're welcome ;). This one is more depressing, but oh well.

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