Blaire's P.O.V

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     "Summer!" I shout banging on the bathroom door, "get out of the freaking shower!"

     "Shut up Blaire, five more minutes is all I ask." she pleads.

     Sighing, I grab my car keys and exit the dorm, (Summer is my roomie.) After driving for about 5 mins, I arrive at my destination, the local diner. Yes, I know, eating will make you fat, but I don't care, I eat all the time. Oh well...  After raking a seat in a comfy booth, with a tribal pattern, I suddenly regret it. I look up to see Niall and what looks to be his friends strolling towards me. They sit down, each of them saying hay or hai as I reply to each and every one of them weakly with a 'what's up' 

      "Alright, ring ding ding, ive got an idea." I turn to look at the one with a striped shirt on, matched with red pants.

     "Let's all say our names, and a little bit about ourselves, you go first." he points at me.

      My cheeks flush into a rosy red as I begin to talk, stuttering like crazy, " I...uhh.... I'm.. Blaire....Blaire, uh, Blair Willow." I choke out, " I like to uh...  I like party's, but I don't go to any because I'm....lonely." I say, the last part barely in a whisper. They all look at me expectantly, "ugh, my favorite body part is..." I see one of them smirk, he has really attractive curly locks and a perfect face, he probably got the wrong idea.. " Uh, uhmm, I like eyes." I honestly say,.I mean the human eye is very interesting and they're beautiful.

     "okay then Blaire, I'll go next." he explains, waiting for us to look at him, " My name is Louis and I like girls who eat carrots, my favorite band is the fray, and of I could have a super power,.I would be flying right now." he says smiling at me as I laugh at his answers. "Niall you go next." Louis says.

     I turn towards Niall looking at him expectantly. " Well, I'm Niall... I like to eat, I like nice girls, and I like to breath." Niall concludes winking at me and inhaling dramatically. I can't help but laugh, and he smirks, a ting as if he accomplished a goal of his.

     "Your next." Louis points at someone else from our large group.

     "Well, I'm Zayn, and this is Liam." pointing across the table at Liam. " this was taking way to long, so I thought we could just say ours at the same time, I like girls." Any says a chuckle escaping my lips. "same." Liam says nodding his head.

     well, as you know, I'm Zayn I like intelligent girls, my favorite song is thriller by Michael Jackson, and my favorite book is Harry Potter."

     I gasp, "Ohmygosh! You like books?!?! My favorite book is Divergent!" he laughs, and I blush, shyly calming down from my sudden outburst.

     "Anyways, I'm Liam, my favorite color is purple, I am deeply afraid or spoons, and my favorite film is 'Toy Story'."                  

     We all nod, then after a few minutes of silence, we continue conversing.






     "Where the hell did you go?" Summer says a mad look on her face.


    "Relax,I just went to the local diner." I say, being honest, just not telling the whole story, I means he didn't ask, so why say it...

     "Well you coulda said something." Summer explains, me and Summer are actually really good friends, but sometimes we don't get along.

     "Sorry." I mumble. I go to hug her, and she hugs back. "sorry for being such a beyotch." she laughs and I do to, "Its fine, really."


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