Chapter 1

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'When you vanish, I will chase the memories of you until I can hold you again.'

- RosesCurse


Done closing the shop, I let out a sigh of relief cause I finally got to head home and relax with my younger sister. Walking down the sidewalk, I take in the sight of the city covered in the orange light of the setting sun. This is the only time I can handle the town when it looks like a photo you would find on a Pinterest board. As I walked to the bus stop, I noticed Liz, an annoying neighbor, waiting for the bus. She is a somewhat nice person; she has problems staying out of other people's business and always feels the need to be involved.

Knowing I won't be able to avoid her, I mentally prepare myself for whatever conversation she may try to start.

"I've been looking for you for hours!" Liz said.

"Oh, I was at work. What was so important that you were looking for me?" She beamed at the question.

"You will never guess what I just heard from a lady on the bus!"

"I thought we had a conversation already about how I don't want to hear your old lady gossip."

"But this isn't old lady gossip. It is important news!!" she whined in my ear.

Just as she opened her mouth to say something, the bus pulled up.

"Oh, I would go with you, but I need to stop by the store. Visit me sometime!" Liz waves by and watches as I get on the bus and leaves once I sit down in a seat.

Around 20 minutes, I finally made it to the apartment building. Going up to my door, I unlock the door and make my way inside.

'Hmm... it's only 6:23. That's enough time to get a 30-minute nap before June gets home from tutoring.' I toss my purse on the coffee table and stretch out on the couch. Exhausted and relaxed, I fall asleep instantly.

The sound of something exploding and everything shaking jolted me out of my nap. With adrenaline pumping through my veins, I quickly hop to my feet, forgetting how tired I was. In a rush, I tripped over a rug.

"Fuck!" I said as I faceplate the floor.

'I think God hates me today.'

I proceed to run out of the house. Opening the front door, the sounds of screaming meet my ears. In front of me, several people are running away from something. Looking towards the sky, I notice smoke is coming from the direction where people are running away. Being the curious type, I decided to check it out, so I began to run in the opposite direction of the crowd.

And, of course, the screams led me to a bombed-out block.

It looks like a scene I would only see on TV, not in my hometown. Several buildings were once stable and now burning and in broken pieces. Several have collapsed, and many are slowly on the way to doing so.

I was about to walk away until I heard a scream that sounded like a child coming from a burning building.

I stopped.

I scanned the area to see if any help was on the way to help the child. Only to notice that all police and firefighters were currently distracted by the mayhem.

I ran toward the building only to have a large hand grab my shoulder. I turned around, about to snap at whoever held me back, only to be interrupted.

"What are you doing? You're going to get in the way!" shouted the angry-looking man in front of me.

I slapped his hand away.

"That's none of your business, so fuck off." I snapped back.

I ran toward the building, dodging debris on the way. As I entered the building, I looked for the kid since I had lost track of them.

That's when I heard it.

A small cry of pain. It was coming from some ceiling that had collapsed.

"I'm here. Everything is going to be alright." I tried comforting the small child.

I started lifting the broken-off ceiling. I had part of it off when I saw the child's arm peeking out from underneath.

It was pale, too pale. I grabbed the arm, and there was no pulse.

I could feel the pressure of tears trying to come forth.

"Hey, can you hear me? I almost have you o-out. So just wait a little longer." I choked out.

I could feel the hot tears going down my face. It was obvious that the child was dead, but I couldn't accept that. I stood up on wobbly legs. I was going to keep my word. I was going to get the child out from under there. I started lifting the ceiling again. My muscles ached, but I wasn't going to quit until all of it was entirely off.

Once I had it all off, I looked down at the child. I was greeted by the face of my little sister, June. Seeing her face, I crumbled to the ground. All the adrenaline drained from my body. I was completely numb from shock. I cradled her limp body in my arms.

"I'm so sorry, J-June, it's all my fault i-if only i-i-" I choked on the rest of the sentence.

I let everything out, I sobbed into my sister's hair and wailed like a baby, but I didn't care. I just lost the most important thing in the world, my sister.

That's when I heard the ceiling start creaking. Then the rest of the weak, heavy ceiling collapsed on both me and the corpse of my sister.

'Hold on, sis, I will be there soon. Just wait a little longer.'

Tears slid down my cheeks as I bled out. The floor around now soaked in my blood. I expected death to be a cold feeling, but all I felt was a fuzzy warm feeling engulfing my body. All I could hear was static.

I let out my last breath and welcomed the darkness creeping into my vision.

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