Chapter Twelve - The Stalker and The Visitant

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Alright, story time! Again, I'm super excited for this chapter. Especially because of a few character introductions that'll be important later on. It might be a little longer than I would like though. Anyway, I've been trying to write all these chapters in advance that way if I get swamped by work or day to day life, I won't leave y'all hanging. I hope y'all enjoy!

I was frozen.

Immobile, but I didn't think I could move if I wanted to. My eyes remained fixed on Izzy, on Amelia, on the dead body in their kitchen. I didn't know who to be afraid of more; them, or the person restraining me.

"Easy there, cousin Maris." A familiar voice whispered in my ear. "Don't want to spook the prey."

Marcus. I probably would've melted in relief had he not been holding me up.

"I'm going to let you go." He continued to whisper as Amelia began another verse of her song. "And you're going to be very quiet. Nod if you understand."

I nodded, and felt his hands retract. I was left shaking, still staring in the kitchen. He took my elbow, ushering me silently out towards the dinner table. Thankfully, farther away from whatever Amelia was. The light from the fireplace did little to illuminate Marcus well, but what I could see was very different from the man at dinner. Gone was the light hearted bard, and in his stead was someone else entirely. His leathers were replaced with something heavier, mail glinting in the low light along with a few plates of metal on his chest, shoulders and thighs. It made me wonder how he could walk so silently. A sword was strapped to his waist, although how he got it from Amelia was beyond me. The necklace I saw him thumbing earlier was out of his shirt, a simple round piece of silver etched with strange markings around the edges and humming with an energy I could feel in my chest.

I had so many questions, number one being just what the hell was going on, but he stopped me before I could get a word out.

"Got yourself into some trouble, eh? Didn't anyone tell you snooping is bad?"

"I wasn't snooping." I whispered defensively. "I left something down here and came to retrieve it."

"Fine job you did. You nearly became a pretty little dessert."

"What . . . " I swallowed the lump in my throat. "What is she?"

"Lots of things. We call her kind visitants."

"Her kind?"

"Monsters. The unnatural. Lots of different types and we're not great with names."

"We? Who–?"

"Listen," Marcus thumbed his sword impatiently, glancing back at the kitchen. "I'd love to chat but I've got a nest to destroy and since you're already here, I need your help."

I blinked and almost forgot to keep my voice down. "Excuse me?"

"It's nothing too dangerous, just go burn down the stables."

He acted like this was something simple. Like he was asking me to get him a glass of water, not set fire to a building. Confusion must've shown like a glowing sign on my face because he sighed, exasperated.

"Her nest is in there. Take that out, and all I have to deal with is her and the youngest." Marcus reached over to the mantle, taking a lantern from its wooden surface and carefully lighting it. "Here, take this and be quick. Don't let them see you, don't get caught and don't come back in until I come out."

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