Team Meating

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"Why did Emilio leave?"

Jake was standing in the office, surrounded by the rest of  Team 10. As the leader he was determined to find out the reasoning behind his sudden decision to fly all the way to Barcelona.

"Ivan you have to know, he's your brother!" Tessa said turning to me.

"Who cares! He'll be back, and honestly I'm glad he's out of my face."

Jake rubbed his temple and groaned loudly. The others sat quietly and still. Tessa sat at the front with Nick, then Anthony and Chance sat near the back. I was somewhere in between Tristan, Chad, Erika, Justin and Kade.

"Meeting dismissed," Jake said shooing everyone from the room.

I stood up and left the room, heading to my own to chill. I felt as if I knew exactly why he had left with out him saying. He was mad at me for being mad at him.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, so I checked to see who had texted me. The message was from Megan asking if we could just be friends then. I smiled to myself, maybe I shouldn't have been so mad at him, maybe I should apologise for being a jerk.


I sat in my room with Lucas sprawled across my legs, he was purring madly. I flicked through my instagram feed to see a post from Ivan, it was a picture of him and Megan swimming in the Team 10 pool. My face burned, he still chose to hang out with her and not talk to me.  A loud knock sound woke my from my deep pool of thoughts.

"Emilio, we have to talk," my Mum said as she sat next to me on the couch. "This fight with Ivan is so stupid. You need to get on the first plane tomorrow and talk to your brother! I can't believe you just left like that, he must be so worried!"

"Trust me mum, he's not. He spent the day with his girlfriend Megan."

"Still, I've already booked your flight. So pack anything you've already unpacked, we leave at 5 tomorrow."

"But mum I've barely been here a day! I was gonna meet with Ruben tomorrow!"

"Emilio, your leaving tomorrow and that's final!"

I rolled my eyes as my mother left the room and closed the door. It wasn't my fault so why should I apologise. I already had and he totally cold shouldered me. I hated that girl so much.

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