Capter 1: cuts and bruises

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(Diana's POV)

It's been 2 years since i last talked too, or saw Harry. I never thought that in two years my life could change this much. In two years my life went from happy and fine to a complete hell. My mom pasted away, because she got cancer and it was to late. Then my father turned into an alcoholic. When he started drinking he started abusing me. When i showed up to school with bruises kids started making fun of me.

I'm 17 now and i look a little different than i did 2 years ago. My hair is longer, my eyes are more of a piercing blue now, i also lost a lot of weight. Oh did i forget i mention i became anorexic after kids started to bully me? Well i did.

Right now I'm getting ready for school. I jump in the shower and wash my long brown hair. Then i lather vanilla body wash on me. I just loved the smell of vanilla.

I hop out of the shower and look at my self in the mirror. I see all the scars and bruises of where my dad hit me last night. It send shivers down my back thinking about it.

I brush my hair and blow dry it. Then i put it in a side braid. Next i pick out my out fit. I choose to put on white jean short, since there weren't many bruise on my legs, and a pink Lacey shirt, with my white Keds. To finish the outfit i but a lot of bracelets on.

I run down stairs and skip breakfast as usual. I grab my bag and head to the bus stop.

(At school)

I walk in school and go to my locker. I put in my combination. I get my science book and close my locker. When i close it i fined Kayla and her friends standing there with evil grins.

"Oh well look who it is!" Kayla says in a sickening voice.

"H-hi" i studded.

"Oh look it talk!" Morgan said. Morgan is one of Kayla's friends.

"Damn girl what size clothes do you wear because you've been looking super fat lately! I bet your a extra large aren't you!" Kayla says.

"Oh and look at the ratty hair! It's like birds live in it!" Morgan said. Am I really that fat? Is my hair ratty?

"Does the cat got your tongue now Diana?" Kayla asked.

"Maybe she is scared." Morgan said.

"Are you scared?" Kayla hissed.

I gathered up the courage to say "n-no"

"Wrong answer!" Kayla said. Next thing i know she slaps me and pushes me down. My papers fly every wear.

"Have fun cleaning that up bitch!" Morgan and Kayla say as they walk away.

While i try to pick my paper up people step on the papers and say things like





All of these words keep ringing in my ears. Was i really of these things?

RING the school bell rang signaling class is about to start. I pick the papers and hurry to science. I walk in and take my seat.

"Good morning class!" my science teacher said. She was a nice teacher, one of my favorites.

"Okay so today we will be working with chemical!" she said. We got ready and took out the different chemicals.

When I'm working on my thing somebody throws something at my table. Next thing i knew all of the chemicals are poured on to me.

"Diana are you ok!" my teacher asked. I nodded my head. "Who threw this?" she asked the class. People just snickers but nobody said anything.

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