The boy next door

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                   black beauty part 4

so when that was over the weekend came and you know what time it is turn up!!

so all for of us went to leyats to go spend the night.

I always have a hard time getting in and out of that car.

adoncia: ayyyyye dang hommie that's my jam

kamira:* Yanks out her head phones  * ooo that's my song turn up

me and leyat just shake are head.

when we got to the house they kicked me out the car and I fell who dose that.


kamira: you were going to slow so I gave you a push

me: yea mmmhmm

we all get out the car and look across the street to see who we heard talking, tell me why when we look we see this fine dude across the street ooo wee you just don't know

all of us:ookaaa doookaaa

we go in the house to put are stuff away then we all came busting out that door and we all fell, the boy next door seen and smiled.

me:dang he saw

Kamira: ooo let's go see were they going

Adoncia:yea he fine



so we go around the corner to are where they were going, there was a park neer by and of course I had to go

Kamira: com'on amirah you got to help since you arnt scared

me:I might not be scared but iam not getting ready to make a fool of myself

Kamira:fine I will go

OK so she goes over there to the boys and don't say nothing and keep walking

me:I thought you was going to talk to him

Kamira: I was scared ok


me:fine I'll go *walks over there*

me:hey you


me:yea you come here for a sec

me:I know iam not the pretty but the girls over there think you cute and they would like to talk to you

Kamira: ninja

me:but first just tell me ur name so I can go on with my life

stranger: my name is Trevor

me:k now you can go

Trevor:OK but first what's ur name


Trevor:that's pretty

me:thanks now follow me

so I go half way there and all I hear is oookaaa doookaaa

Kamira: why did you say that

me:so he can go over here, oh and his name is Trevor

Adoncia:ooo he coming

Trevor: so I herd that yall like me

Leyat:what we didn't say that amirah


me:oww dang ,Trevor don't lie you know good in well I didn't say that

Trevor: well they seemed like it

me:because they do


me: stop hitting me dang always hurting people

then his boys came and they were fine too so he had to go but before he left of course we asked for his digits so now we got someone to call tonight.

so wile we were walking to Leyat house this one dude bout ran me over with his no actually he did so I fell and he did.

me:dang dude whach were you going

trevon: dang iam sorry

when he finally got up and look at me, he was getting ready to say something till

his friends came by and ran Leyat and Adoncia over too and Kamira tripped one of them.

me:dang y'all alright

Adoncia:watch out little boy dang

dj: hahahaha

Leyat:that wasn't nice you need to watch were y'all going


Kamira:excuse you

ian:yea whatever

Trevino:hey you I seen you before iam moving to ur street right next door from you and me and ur mom are becoming friends

me:then why are you here

Trevon:as you can see my friends live here

me:whatever let's go

so we left and finally made it to the house

when we got there Kamira called the number that Trevor gave her and it worked so we talked to him till he got off then we went to sleep.

OK now the thing about Trevon he is black and asian the same age as me and he cute but get on my nerves, and Ian is rude and a player ,he is black, Antoine he is black and nice when he wants to be,and dj he is just flat out rude there goes the trouble makers.

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