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"Gr-Great!" I said happily. "I-I'll get everything ready by tomorrow." I felt my face burning, my hands, a little sweaty. I liked it.

"So, where's the picnic gonna be?" My voice wouldn't let me say a place.

"That's to be anonced later." I spoke uncertain. That had to be the most gem like sentence I've ever said.

"It's fine." He replied. "So, there's a few things I have to talk to Connie and Pearl to about training, all see what time I'm free at. I'll also have to check on things in general." He got a small slip of paper out and a pen, he started writing on it. "Here's my number, you can text me once everything is settled." He handed me the slip of paper.

I looked at it and looked over it carefully. It looked like some code. I wasn't sure what it was but I knew I needed to keep it.

"I-I'll communicate with you when I get everything ready." I was getting so, so flustered, that the gem part of me started to speak, but it didn't sound like how a Ruby would speak, it was more like a Pearl.

The more I thought, the more I think about what I need to do, and I'm still not even sure what a picnic or date is.

"All ask Amethyst, Peridot, and Lapis can help me, they've been on Earth for a couple of years or so, they can help me!"

I wanted to ask Amethyst first, her and Steven looked like pretty good friends.

"Yo Rubes what up!" I smiled.

"Well I, kind of need your help." I said quietly. "I sorta asked Steven on a picnic date and-"


"Look, I didn't come here to be made fun of, I wanted to know Steven's favorite foods and other picnicie things. I'm not sure how to do a picnic really and I need you, Peridot, and Lapis to help me. I have to get everything ready by tomorrow."

"Sure thing Rubes."

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