First Encounter #2

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I was walking Saki to school and she continued to go on and on how about I was about to become a hero.

"You're gonna be the best hero in the whole world! I can't wait until the day when everyone stops seeing you as a freak and as the wonderful and awesome person you are!" Saki said with joy.

The kids in my middle school and my old high school all called me a freak because of my quirk. But for some reason the kids in Saki's class all loved me. I really don't know why they do, but they all see me as the mom of there class.

"You really think so. I do want to live up to what mom and dad told me I could be. And if I do become a hero I can make good money and we can travel and see our family!" I said happily.

"Really, we can see our family! Then I have to work just as hard!" Saki said with excitement. Within no time we were standing in front of her school. She let go of my hand and ran off. "Bye sis!" Saki yelled waving her hand, I waved back and watch her till she entered the building.

I began my walk to the school with my headphones plugged in with blocking off the rest of the world. Soon enough U.A was within my sight and I began to walk fast, but I stopped dead in my tracks when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turned around only to find out it was the boy I met yesterday.

"Oh, it's just you," I said relaxing a bit.

"Yeah, sorry if I scared you a little." He apologized.

"No, it's fine. I'm just always on guard." I responded, then I realized I had forgotten his name. "Umm... I'm sorry, but I forgot your name, can you tell me again?" I asked him.

"My name is Izuku Midoriya, I never got your name, what is it anyway?" Izuku asked me as we began to walk to the school.

"My name is (y/n) (l/n), I couldn't tell you yesterday because it doesn't feel right to me to tell someone the day before I officially meet them," I explained to him.

"That's kinda-" But I finished his sentence.

"Strange?" I said, he looked at me with a surprised face and I continued. "Many people tell me that, I kinda like it," I responded.

"Wow, are you able to read minds is that your quirk?" He asked me with an excited look on his face.

"N-no, I just guessed since a lot of people say that about me," I answered.

"So what brought you to this school anyway, what was your motivation to attend?" Izuku asked yet another question.

"You seem to be full of curiosity. Well, I got in on a recommendation, my motivation to attend is because my parents and sister believe I can become a hero." I responded.

We had just gotten into the school and we continued our conversation.

"What is your family like." After hearing this question my mind became blank and I began to think.

'What should I tell him, how would he react if he found out I had no parents. Should I just tell him the truth.' I thought as I began to speak. "My family is very fun we have had many great moments together, but sadly they didn't last for long," I explained to him.

"What do you mean by that," Izuku asked.

I looked down at my feet and I didn't have the courage to answer that question. Izuku seemed to pick up on this and began to talk again.

"I'm so sorry for asking." Izuku apologized.

"It's fine, you didn't know," I replied.

We had made it to the classroom and Izuku slid open the door to show a few people. They all looked over at us and I immediately hid behind Izuku, he looked back at me confused.

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