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Jack grabbed the chocolate chip muffin from the microwave and placed it on the counter beneath. He walked over to the other cupboard and taking out a box and popped two pills out.

Cautiously grabbing the hot tea, muffin and bottle of water in his hands he made his way to the basement not before getting stopped.

"You can't come in sir," The burly man said blocked the door.

"Yes, I can, her orders," Jack said looking straight into the man's eyes.

"Okay," The man murmured.

"Thank you," Jack said as he moved out of his way.

Walking down the stairs, he stopped the slim woman trying to fight the confinements of her wrists.

"Knock knock," He said.

Zayn looked up and moved away, stopping what she was doing.

"W-what do you want?" She whispered.

Jack's heart broke, she didn't deserve this.

"I...I'm not going to hurt you. I came to bring you some breakfast," He answered lowering the plate of muffin, cup of tea and water in front of her.

"Um, it's not much, but that's all I could find, sorry," He whispered softly.

Zayn eyed the muffin and tea with hungry eyes. There was no doubt she was hungry. She's been her for weeks, maybe a month. Her stomach rumbled at the sight.

No Zayn don't eat it, might be poisoned.

"I'm not hungry," She said. 

"Yeah sure, that's not your stomach's saying. You need to eat and drink after vomitting," He chuckled. 

"I promise it's not poisoned," He said thinking that's why she wasn't taking it.

Zayn leaned her head against the cold pole, slightly soothing her aching headache.

"Oh, here I forgot," He said suddenly remembering the pills in his pocket.

He leaned down to hand her the two pills.

"W-what are they?" Zayn asked.

"They're panadol, it will help with the headache," He replied.

"Please it will help,"

"H-how do I know it's not really?" She asked narrowing her eyes.

"Well I don't know how to prove it... But I promise on my daughter's life they are," He oathed.

Zayn kept her eyes on him. "Okay,"

It was silent for a moment.

"Um, so you have a daughter?" She asked.

Jack instantly smiled, "Yeah."

"Her name's Penelope, but we call her Nelly," He said with a smile still on his cheeks.

Zayn smiled, he was genuine.

"How old is she?" She asked. She loved children.

"She's just turned five," He replied.

"You must love her,"

"I do, she's my life now, my everything," He said making her smile a little. 

Justin loves their children so much it hurts her. He's an amazing father. 

She was knocked out of her thoughts by a loud slam.

She jumped up and saw the woman walk down.

"Jack! What have I said about staying down here too long?!" She screamed. 

Jack and Zayn flinched. "UH"

"Out now," The woman said coldly. 

Jack shuffled to his feet and made it way out not before making eye contact with Zayn.

"Now, now Zaynie, don't go making friends too fast," The woman tsked.

Zayn didn't reply earning a sharp slap on her cheek.

"You're a slut and just know you deserve this," She seethed in her ear.

She was about to leave not before grabbing the hot tea on the ground and splashing it on Zayn making her cry out in agony.

The whole house could hear yet it none made a move, they couldn't.


"WHAT THE FUCK!!!! THAT FUCKING BITCH I'M GOING TO KILL HER. WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS!!" Justin yelled in anger as he saw a video of Zayn getting thrown hot tea on.

He felt helpless, he didn't even know where she was.

Anger built up and he's had enough.



600+ words -not edited-

Hey guys it been a minute.

so um yeah don't know how i feel about it. yes it is a short chapter again. yes it may be boring but like i said i don't know what i'm doing. I'm winging this.


Who's Jack and why is he being nice?

Who's the mystery cruel woman?

What does she want with Zayn?

Justin in a gang? How?

don't even ask me why it took justin so long to be back in the gang bc idk tbh.

I know I need to improve.. slowly but surely. Questions? Feel free to ask me.

Motivation is key. 

So um yeah I go back to school in 2 days.. where did the holidays go?

- S🌹

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