Cold, dark & scarlet lips

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hi :] idk when i will update it, btw it depends on ur feedback.


It was getting late enough to be worried. I once again stepped into the balcony and looked down. Except for a drenched street dog that was lying down miserably near the gate, there was not a soul to be seen anywhere. Rain water had puddled under the lamp post. A breeze ruffled the mango tree in the courtyard and a few twigs fell down and broke. Thunder rumbled in the distance. Did I hear a soft knock at the door? I turned back and saw no one.

I twirled around to see out of the balcony again. Presently, the chilled breeze of this darkened night came along with the icy sprays of rainwater. A shiver ran down my spine and goosebumps made their way prominent on my skin for a few seconds. I was confused, they were supposed to come here by now to rescue us. Did they not get the information that I had sent them? Nervousness started to fence my emotions.

Suddenly I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, or should I say a claw? I rotated with a jerk and saw a ceratosaurus. The environment changed into a thick, dense and tall tropical rainforest. I saw into his eyes, they were ferocious, mixture of saliva and mucus was dripping down his sharp jaw through the little gaps between his predatory teeth, his scaled skin shone glittery due to the sun rays. He neared his face and smelled me. I tightly closed my eyes to avoid the scenery. Suddenly, the back of my neck was held firmly by a human hand and it forcefully dragged me. I opened my eyes and I was back at the old and ruined mansion where many children and women were held captive for selling and trafficking purposes.

Akram, who was holding the back of my neck, threw me effortlessly on the floor near the feet of my captor, Mister Harrindra Shekhar, who called himself Harry Styles, I landed with a thud. Harry positioned his gun right in the middle of my forehead. I was again held a captive of those crystal ocean green pair of iris which shone with a tint of golden due to the yellow coloured hanging bulb. His eyelashes were dark and long making him look innocent but he had also outlined them with kajal which added a hue of fearlessness to his personality. His chocolaty burnt umber shaded smooth and silky wavy hair, which was usually tied up in a bun, was open. He had a sharp jawline, his thick eyebrows were relaxed and it added a hint of boldness to his character. His body was all toned up and he was wearing kurta-salwaar. He asked in his masculine raspy voice, "What should I do with you Stella? You love to break rules and I would love to enjoy the joyfulness of making a hole right in your skull and through your prefrontal cortex with the help of just one bullet, but that would be worthless. Exchanging you for a couple thousand bucks would be more valuable, wouldn't it?" He subconsciously gently brushed his tip of the tongue on his scarlet shaded bottom lip which sort of exaggerated his dominance.

"I have a request, Sir," I announced. "I will not let you go, miss," he replied. "Don't leave me, but please leave the others, at least the children. Don't you hear their cry, fear on their faces, desperation of the want for their family, innocence in their eyes, purity in their souls-," he cut me off, "It is their purity which brings me net worth," he laughed hysterically, "do you think I am a fool to listen to you. Their vulnerability is my utility. Businessmen buy them because they are the cheapest durable human resource available; the galley slaves. Anyways take this medicine capsule," he said while digging a pack of medicines from his kurta's pocket, and simultaneously taking away his gun from my forehead.

I placed the tablet in my mouth and swallowed. Harry positioned his half folded index finger down my chin and slowly tilted my head in his direction; upwards. "My little sweet creature, compel to my rules and I will make sure that you have a choice to where you want to go, in industry or bar, but if you will be rebellious, then I apologise to you in advance for punishing you, I'll make sure that it will be the most painful and rough that you have ever experienced, babygirl." He whispered the last part in my ear, gently planted a kiss on my forehead, gave me water to drink and stroked my untied hair. While I was leaving for the room where the captives were, I heard Harry instructing Akram to control his anger on us as their clients would not like their workers to be bruised. Liam, team mate of Harry was walking with me holding a gun although he knew that I couldn't do anything as my hands were tied at the back.

The whole mansion was filled with twenty other men, especially at the doors. The windows were locked. There are around eighty five to hundred young people held here. I have seen them; eighty percent of them are children while others are women. These are all villagers. The same story goes on, some loyal people working under a mafia are sent to kidnap people who are vulnerable, and when they are brought they are sold at higher prices to different businessmen and other persons to work in different factories, industries, bars, fields and other such hazardous places. Harry was right; children and adolescents can be made to work at the cheapest pay, they are defenceless. Nobody cares for them except a few child rights activists.

To conclude everything, I need to find some way through which I can communicate with my team mates, all over again....


i felt my hormones stockholm sydromise with that scarlet smooth fluff and that bold darkness surrounding his eyes, like spicy bbq chicken crispy! ok... harrindra shekhar, i had to give this name bc it kinda helps his personality to develop the way i want to portray him, like a brit-indi wolfie

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