Chapter 10

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Twilight Sparkle's POV

I was finally done with sorting my books! It took many many days, but it's completely finished! Now, I can actually get some sleep! I was just about to go to my room when Pinkie burst in.

"Ya ready for the party!" She yelled.

"Um, what party?" I said half asleep.

"The get well party for Angel silly!"

"Oh..." I said. 'How can I break it to her that I do not want to host a party?' Before I could say anything, crowds of people crammed through my door. My organized books! 'Oh don't ruin them!'

This is going to be a long night...

The next day

I woke up in darkness. There was square shaped blocks on top of me. I tried to get out but it was too heavy. I screamed for help

"Twilight?" I heard Pinkie ask.

"Yes it's me! Get me out!" I shouted

"Okey dokey lokey!" As pinkie started to dig me out, the light revealed that the blocks are books. I gasped. "What happened!" I yelled.

"Oh ya know! The same old same old... Fun party, bookshelf knocked over, we thought u were lost, yadayadayada." She said cautiously.

"Pinkie! I just organized my books! Now I have to do it all over again!"

"Oh! Yeah well sorry. I thought you were going to be mad that you got attacked by books, but whatever!"

"I am mad pink-" I stopped. "Ouch! My head hurts!" I complained. "I'm going to bed."

"Okey dokey lokey! Bye now!"

"Bye." 'I guess I will be home for a while.'

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