Chapter 3

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Pinkie Pie's POV

"Hey hey hey hey!!!!!" I screamed happily as I threw open Rainbow Dash's door. "How did you get up here?" Rainbow Dash asked funnily.

"Oh? Well, you know! I have my ways!" Between you and me I just had Fluttershy fly me up on her way to twilights. I absolutely HAD to spread the bad news!

"So, what brings you here?"

"Well, I have some bad news. Angel isn't eating." I said worriedly.

"Why should I care? It doesn't effect me!"

"I just thought that a stubborn pony like you could help us figure out why he wasn't eating."

"Why can't Fluttershy do this? She is the animal expert! I mean, if she can't help or figure it out, neither can I!" Dash rolled her eyes while talking.

"Well, like I said... a stubborn pony like you could probably understand why a bunny doesn't want to eat!" I thought what I was saying was pretty easy to understand! Geez! And I thought I was stupid! Well, Dash didn't seem interested so... I told her to forget it. Before I go report to Fluttershy how our little "talk" went. I'm gonna eat a cupcake and take a quick nap!

2 hours later.

*yawn!* what time is it? Oh my gosh! Two hours have gone by! Ahh! This is bad! This is bad! I forgot to report to Fluttershy how my visit to Rainbow Dash went!

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