№.3 Go Pee//Continued..

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   I close the door and walk down the hallway til I reach the room Taylor and Dillon shared. I take a deep breath and knock on the door. The door creeks open, behind it stands a wide-eyed Jacob Whitesides and Mahogany Lox throwing her hands over her face. "What." Jacob chokes up. "Oh sorry, I was looking for Taylor's hotel room." I tried making that sound like I was not a whore but, when I'm dressed like one what can I say? I like to do it. "It's the next door over. AHHH" She playfully yells as the door closes. I take a step back laughing at the mistake I had just made. I go over to the door I was directed to and knock. After a few moments, the door swings completely open. Behind it stands Taylor "Ummmm.." His eyes locked on my exposed skin. Dillon looks away from his phone and stands straight up once he sees me. "Hey! Eyes up here." I say loudly, making sure Shawn could hear it from his room. They just stood there awkwardly for a moment. "So, are you going to let me in or nah? Because I could totally just go to Sam and Carter's room." Taylor steps out, making a walk way for me.

    Just then Shawn's head pops out of the door. He sees me and I just turn away and enter the hotel room closing the door behind me. Even though I was in a relationship with Shawn, he always felt like he was threatened by Taylor. That's why I was enjoying this so much.

    "So, who am I sleeping with tonight?" I say seductively. Both Taylor and Dillon were focused on me but, they didn't answer. The only reply I got was their heavy breathing. I whistled a bit and that seemed to snap them out of their daze. "Me, of course." Taylor says with confidence. "But what if I wanted her to sleep with me?" Dillon argued. They stood there throwing hateful comments back and forth, until I spoke up, "I'm sleeping with Taylor."  "Alright. Cool. Whatever. Didn't want you sleeping in my bed anyway." Dillon scoffs as he throws himself back down to where he was siting. I walk over and get into Taylor's bed without even acknowledging him. I am laying with my backside facing him; I shut my eyes. I'm almost asleep, when I feel cold fingers runs across my back; sending chills throughout my whole body. Then, I feel someone leaving small kisses nibbling on my neck My eyes open almost instantly. I turn over, expecting to see Shawn, I see Taylor Fucking Caniff. I had forgotten I came into their room after 'the incident.

"Umm, what do you think you're doing?" I ask, wide-eyed. "What does it look like I'm doing?" Taylor responds in a cocky tone. I take the opportunity to be sassy and say. "Something you're never going to get. Bye Caniff." I throw the covers off of myself and I start to climb into bed with Dillon then, he starts, "Well, Well, Well." Right then, I stop what I'm doing. I stand up and look at him in the eyes, "Nope" I turn around and walk out the door into the hallway. I immediately got goosebumps all over my arms. It was freezing and I just wanted sleep. I looked down the hall at the door of my hotel room. I knew that if I knocked he'd let me in and act like it never happened, but I can't do that because that would mean he won. Which is something I can not let him do. My eyes shift three doors down, Nash and Cam's room. I know for sure neither of these boys would try to do anything like that. And plus, they are probably sleeping in the same bed anyway. *knock knock* I stand there for a minute or so. No answer, shit. 

 I slowly turn around to face Matt and Aaron's door. Matthew had a crush on me before Shawn and I were ever a thing. Every now and then he will make a move on me, which is why I am hesitant to go in there. I walk up and quietly knock. Matt answers, of course. "Hello." He leans against the door frame as he eyes my bare body. "What are you doing up so late, don't you need your beauty sleep?" I roll my eyes at Matt. "Could I possibly crash here tonight?" I ask looking past him. "Sure, but you're bunking with me." "Psssh, I'm sleeping with Aaron, you fucking try hard." I left out that last part.. "Well, if it's okay with you?" I look at Aaron with puppy dog eyes as his cheeks turn a light shade of red. "It's fine." I smiled and looked at the floor. I am going to admit Aaron is pretty cute. "But first, could I borrow a shirt or a hoodie? I'm cold." I say as I try to rub the goosebumps off my arms. Aaron walks over to his suitcase that was lying on the floor. He pulls out an Aaron Carpenter hoodie and I chuckle to myself. I excuse myself to their bathroom. I am drying my hands off when the door swiftly opens and closes, I look up to see Matthew behind me in the mirror. I turn around and Matt crashes his lips into mine. It took me a few seconds to process what's happening, but once I realized pushed him back and ran out of the room.

I ran all the way down to the end of the hallway and turned the corner as I wiped away the feeling of Matt's unwanted kiss. I am speechless; did that really just happen? What will happen if Shawn hears about this? My thoughts are interrupted by an elevator ding and two very familiar voices. fuck.fuck.fuck.fuck. Jack and Jack are coming my way. I sprint a little ways down and make a b-line for the bathroom. I do not want to run into them when I'm half naked. Especially, Gilinsky, given our fwb past. I wait like four minutes before I leave the restroom, just to be safe. 

I slowly walk back to my beloved hotel room; I sit across the hall from the door. I hug my knees as I blankly stare at the bottom. Suddenly, the door slows slings open to reveal a dressed Shawn. I'm quick to my feet as I'm greeted with my boyfriend's strong arms. The smell of his body spray comforts me. I laugh into his chest as he backs us up into the room . I pull away from his embrace to proudly shut the door.


CONGRATULATIONS!! You just read 1,122 wordsof bull-fucking-shit. 

That one was pretty lonnngggg. (like sam's dick)

Anyway, request and suggestion would honestly be amazing.

Thanks for reading, My Fandom Army.☮

keep imagining. -anonymous✿

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