Chapter #2

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Day 2...


Before I pushed (y/n) in the portal,

"Im only doing this for my grandson"

I was lying, but I do need him yet I needed (y/n) as well. (Y/N) was talking about their dream from the other night. No one randomly has a dream about me. Well at least no one, that doesn't know me. Therefore someone had to have been using a sleep portal device.

Once I made it to the other side of the portal. A Morty officer and a Rick were handcuffing (y/n).

"Let go of me! R-Rick!"

"Ms. I need you to come with me."

Said the officer Rick. (Y/N) was struggling to get away. While reaching in my lab coat, I whipped out a Laser Gun shooting them both in the head.

"We better get going before more of them start coming."

Once Morty came out the portal, I drew a mark on his forehead.

"What's this for, Rick?"

I grabbed a few items that were scattered on the ground. Then began to build a quick paddle-car mobile for three.

"That mark just lets me know that you're my actual Morty."

Once I got it working I sat in the front seat placing my feet on the paddles.

"Get in."

"Wait I thought you were gonna take us back?!"

"I lied, now get in"

A worried look appeared on (y/n) face,

"No Rick! Your-Your taking us home! You won't even be able to-to keep all three of us safe here!"

Morty was right. I wouldn't be able to keep them both safe here. With there being a lot more Ricks and Mortys. If one goes missing, I wouldn't be able to just save them in time.

"Alright Morty, you win"

While pointing my portal gun at the ground underneath Morty. I shot a portal there, sending Morty back to the school.

"Why didn't you just send me back??"

As (y/n) got in the paddle-car mobile, they took a seat next to me.

"Because Morty isn't the one who had a dream about me."

I began moving my feet, paddling the paddles on the paddle-car mobile.

"But I thought you needed him?"

"I did, but I also need you. But if one of you goes missing then what?"

"Oh...Your right."

After a few minutes gone by (y/n) reached up their hand attempting to rub my hair as I kept my eyes on the road.

"Don't even think about it."

Without even looking I knew what (y/n) was planning to do. I don't want them feeling too comfortable around me, or trusting me in any way. If I want to keep them safe. I can't grow a bound with them.

"Your hair is just so odd. Can I touch it, please?"

I looked over to (y/n), they were actually kind of cute. Their hair was ((color of your hair)), and their ((color of your eyes)) eyes popped out a bit.

"Ugh fine, I guess. But I swear if you tell anyone that I let you touch my hair. I'll tie you up, and lock you away along with the other little insects in my basement where no one would ever find you. But Morty probably."

Keeping a serious look on my face, (y/n) nodded their head. They gently brushed their fingers through my hair. Causing me to slightly blush a bit.

This feeling was weird, different, and not usual. I never really found myself liking a person. Usually, they're badasses or older and sexy. But (y/n) wasn't older, but sexy? Well... Eh! No, I gotta stop having thoughts like this.

"Your hair is really soft, Rick!"

(Y/N) was amazed form how my hair felt. Though I didn't understand how that's even amazing.

"Yea, yea thanks."

As (y/n) stopped rubbing my hair. They leaned back in their seat. I glanced over at them from the corner of my eye, seeing them smile.

"I don't understand... Why is (y/n) so happy at the moment."

I thought to myself,

"Maybe I should ask... Eh, never mind."


I was holding something cold and heavy. It was dark, there was no light. I couldn't see a thing. All I could hear was a crying voice.

The sound of great pain. I felt my finger tip hold against something as my eyes slowly adjust to the darkness around me. Once I was able to see a little clearer. My finger was held against a trigger to a gun.

A boy was lying on his back holding on his chest. Life was slowly fading out of his eyes. He was repeatedly whispering the words,

"I thought we were friends. I thought we were friends."

I didn't know what he was talking about at first. But then I thought to myself

"Did I kill him, and am I who he is refuting to as 'Friend'?"

I moved closer to see his face. After a few seconds I recognized him. I dropped on my knees by his side as he pant heavily, and harshly.

"Its hard...Its hard to breathe..."

A negative energy began to surround the room.

"I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry."

He was my childhood friend Leo. Years ago we've meet during second grade. After 6 years I moved away. Though I have forgotten why we moved. I loved it there, the people who lived there was nice.

"I am a monster..."

"If being good is normal to you, then how is being bad not normal just because you grew up 'Good'"

"Its ease to backwash one's mind"

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