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I get on the plane feeling giddy with excitement. I never thought I’d actually be attending Playlist Live.. I’ve never even left Alabama before. I find my row and realize I’ll be getting a window seat. I sit down and text Sam so that he’ll know I’m about to take off.

Sam and I have only been friends for about two weeks. He lives in California and I live in Alabama so we haven’t had the pleasure of meeting until today. He asked me last night on facetime while he was helping me pick out some outfits for playlist live if he and his friend Connor could pick me up at the airport since we’re all stay at the same hotel, so of course I agreed.

*On the plane now about to take off. Better hope I don’t die or you’ll never have the honor to meet me (;*

I get a response from him just as the flight attendant instructs us to turn off our cell phones.

*You aren’t going to die Amber. I’ll see you soon J*

When I get off the plane I follow the people in front of me too the large opening where families meet again, and distant lovers reunite; Airports are quite special if you think about it.

I see Sam a few feet away from me and immediately run up to him and hug him. I know I’ve only known him for a short period of time, but Sam is my best guy friend. I don’t have any friends at home because everyone hates me for my youtube videos. It’s been two years since I’ve had anyone to talk to besides my cousins, and I love having Sam around to talk to now.

“You know you’ll have to let go of me eventually right?” He chuckles and I realize I’ve been holding onto him for a while now. I pull out of the hug and playfully hit him on the arm.

“My bad. Next time I won’t act excited to see you.” I say smirking at him.

“You ready to meet Connor?” Sam asks turning to walk towards the airports Starbucks. He already has my suitcase and is dragging it on its wheels along with us.

“Connor?” I question.

“He’s one of the guys from our2ndlife,” He explains.

Sam is mainly known from his collab channel, our2ndlife, on youtube. He started making videos really young with one of his best friends. Eventually him and his best friend started making other youtube friends and they all meet up at a convention like Playlist Live. They decide to make a collab channel and that brings us to where we’re our today.

“Are they all here for Playlist Live?”

“Everyone but Trevor came. He’s working on his music and couldn’t get out of it for the trip down here.” Sam frowns.

When I walk into Starbucks I see a guy older than me sitting at a table with three drinks waiting. He has blond hair spiked up in the front and is dressed casually in shorts and a tank top. He stands when he see’s Sam and I and comes toward me to pull me into a hug.

“I’m Connor,” He says.

“Amber,” I say smiling back at him.

I sit down next to Sam and Connor sits across from me.

“I got you some coffee, Sam said you’re as obsessed as I am.” Connor hands me one of the coffees on the table and I thank him.

“I’m beyond obsessed with coffee,” I reply taking a sip.

“I think we can get along then,” Connor says giving me a very sexy half smile.

“How was your first plane ride?” Sam says taking a drink of his coffee.

“Not that bad. I got really nervous when everyone said it would be like a rollercoaster” I admit.

“You don’t like rollercoasters?!” Connor says with his eyes wide.

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