Day 1: Your Mistake

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"Life is unfair"

I smile and look down. Under me are cars riding pass, people walking pass. This world have become busy and people just walk past. These humans don't know what is meaning of life, they just work.

It's okay, I thought. I will be leaving this miserable world soon. My lungs are hurting me. I can't breathe and I feel suffocated. Jump.

I step out my feet and the wind is already pushing me. Somehow my heart beated. I'm scared.

Just last night, I encourage myself to suicide, but now I can't do it. How funny is that? Again, I look down at street. No one seems to care.

What made me even make this move? I have everything: family, friends, and happiness. Then there should be nothing I need to worry about. A little flaw makes it unbearable to watch. You can have everything bad happening to you, so it didn't matter if another bad thing happens to you. It works the other way too; if your life is perfect and there is a small flaw, the flaw will zoom big. It is just that easy.

"You have no right to die"

It is true, I don't deserve the right to die. I'm just some small creature that can die and the rest of the world will not even miss me.

Kris POV:

Lunch time, worse time of the day. I quickly look around the hallway.

Good, clear.

On my back, I slide against the wall, trying to escape the monsters. As I thought I might make it, which I never do, a bunch of screaming appears.

Oh shit!

Not even looking back, I run for the door. Behind me, I can hear footsteps. Monster steps.

"He is there!," a girl screams. I try to open the door, but it is lock. Turn to the left.

"He is running away," another girl scream. I run up the stairs that lead me up. These monsters are my nightmares, they will catch you and eat you. Like some survival game, I avoid to get killed by them. Running at 2 steps each time, I quickly get to the 5th floor. No, I can't go there, they will find me.

Suddenly, I saw a guy with his lunch in his hands. No even explaining what is happening, I take off my jacket and put it on him. Then, I speed up my pace and run the upstairs.

Until I'm 100% sure they are not following, I stop. It is the last floor: rooftop. I haven't been here a while since the beginning of the year. Through the small window, I can see a girl ,with our uniform, standing there. She have her shoes on the side and stands barefoot at the edge. What is she doing? Her long black hair waves in the wind. She look hopeless.

Not knowing what I am doing, I push through the door and run to her. The closer I get to her, the more I understand what she is doing.
She want to kill herself.

"Stop!," I reach out my arm to pull her back. With my grip, she falls backwards and in my arms. Quite soft.

I was about to say something, but that is when I notice she is crying. Her warm tears are dripping on my arms. I let go of her and let her sit on the floor. She quietly cried as her shoulders shake. Weirdly, she stopped and look calm.

"Why?," she said.


"Why you have to save me. You have nothing, nothing to do with this!," her strong words hit me hard.

I sit next to her,"So are you telling me to just let you jump of the roof?"

"You could have let me at least taste the feeling of death," her eyes stare at the spot she was standing.

"Why? You have to do this to yourself?"

"There is no answer to the question. Except, it is my choice," she face the sky as she said this to me.

Then I start laughing," You can just jump, but you didn't." Then there was a silence between us. She stands up and put on her white sneaker.

"You are right. I'm...I'm,"she try to find the perfect word.


"No, not scared. I'm just nervous the feeling of death is worse than I thought," her fingers on her shoe laces and tied them.

Feeling of death? What is the feeling of death? Is it bad or good? Will it be spicy like hot sauce or sweet as a ice-cream?

She look down at me and said,"Another nosy being."

Then, she walk away.

Faded Fate (Kris FanFic) ~Summer Editon~Where stories live. Discover now