Hospital (Part 2)

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*Jonah's POV*

I was looking around for Zach and couldn't find him.

Jonah- Yo guys where is Zach?
Jack- I don't know bro
Corbyn- Lets go look for him
Jonah- Ok, Corbyn and jack you get outside, Daniel and Cara you get Nicole's hospital room, and Brooke and I will get the back ball where the bathrooms are.
Cara- Ok let's split up

Everyone went their separate ways. We were looking around until I heard crying from him the bathroom. Brooke and I looked at each other.

Jonah- I got it

I jogged into the bathroom and Zach was sitting in the corner. I sat next to him and but my arm around him.

Jonah- Zach bro, it's ok
Zach- *Cries* N-no its n-not!
Jonah- Hey, you and I both know Nicole is strong, she will make it through this
Zach- But what if she doesn't remember me? *Sniffles*
Jonah- We will have to get her to remember you
Zach- O-ok
Jonah- Alright, you ready?
Zach- Is it visiting hours?
Jonah- Yeah, wanna go see her?
Zach- Yeah, lets go

I got up and helped him up. We walked out to Brooke

Brooke- I texted the others
Zach- What?
Jonah- We were looking for you
Zach- Sorry that I stressed you guys out
Brooke- It's ok, it's tough for all of us
Jonah- Lets go

We walked back to the lobby where the others were waiting for us

Daniel- Yo, you good bro?
Zach- *Sniffles* Yeah, I just don't want her to forget me, I also want her to wake up
Corbyn- She is strong bro, don't worry
Zach- Thanks guys, I'm going to her room if you need me
Cara- Ok

*Zach's POV*

I started to walk back to her room, the closer I got the faster my breathing got. I haven't seen her since she left the house that night. I twisted the door knob and opened the door. I gasped when I walked in, I saw her. My beautiful girlfriend laying there, just stiff. She was just laying down. She wasn't in a ball like how she normally sleeps, she was just laying there stiff.

Zach- Baby....

I walked over to the side of the bed and kneeled down.

Zach- Nicole, I love you so much. Please wake up, please remember me. Remember us. Please Nicole, I don't know how I would live without you.
Nicole's Mom- Hey Zach
Zach- Oh hi Mrs.Greene
Nicole's Mom- Oh no, call me mom or Michelle
Zach- I will
Michelle- I know you are upset about Nicole, she is strong though
Zach- I know, I just hope she doesn't forget me
Michelle- I know honey, just get one rest, ok?
Zach- Ok will, thank you
Michelle- Your welcome

She walked out of the room and I turned my attention back to Nicole

I was sitting there looking at her. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked around.


I ran out of the room into the lobby

Brooke- Woah, what happened?
Jonah- WHAT
Daniel- Wait......
Cara- Is that...
Zach- ........Nicole's Room.......

Hey guys! Don't have a long authors note today. Sorry I've been so inactive, I have been prewriting a fanfic for my account and one for my collab account with on of my best friends Ameera. Go follow or account Whydontwe_Swerve our fanfic is called Lanes❤️❤️ily guys byyee

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