The Crimson Moon: The Journey Begins

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Solaria tapped on the door of the Apothecary, Luna fast asleep in her arms.

Peering into the windows, there was nothing but darkness through the entire shop. And yet, with a fireball clutched in her hand, Solaria could see Mr. Yates at the counter, hunched over, his shoulders shaking with sobs.

"Mr. Yates...? Mr. Yates...? It's Solaria...please open the door..."

Yates seemed to gasp. He stared at the window for a good long while before heading to the door, and unlocking the door.

"Solaria! You live still! What are you doing out on the streets my darlin'?"

Solaria sighed, "Mr. Yates. I need a favor."

Yates opened the door fully, "Come in come in! Ya mustn't let the Mayor see you out and about like this...she's very protective of ya."

"I'm aware..." Solaria hissed, "Look, Mr. Yates...I need you to look after something for me."

Yates raised an eyebrow, "Why? You're not thinkin' of leavin' are you? I won't let ya!"

"Mr. Yates, please...just listen to me..."

In only mere moment there was a huge ear shattering boom that caused Solaria and Yates to fall to their knees along with the shattering bottles of potions that fell to the floor.

Luna then let out a wail, obviously horrified by the noise."

"What in blazes?"

Solaria fallowed Yates outside and watched as the moon fade into a crimson red. It was like someone dripped red ink onto the amber moon. Along with it, the wind froze.

The people of Farthing were awake now, rushing out doors to glance at the moon in shock.

"That's not good..." Yates muttered. 

Solaria turned to Yates, " you must understand why I must go now."


"No more...! Whatever is out there is no mere human, look at the moon!" Solaria cried, "I may not have much magic, but I have some unlike the rest of this town! I am tired of these hangings! I am tired of the bloodshed, and I am tired of you all thinking I am weak!"

Holly dashed over to Solaria from her, "We need to go, now!"

Solaria turned Yates, handing him the wailing infant, "Please take look after Luna for me. Please..."

Yates became puzzled, "But- what is- I am so confused!"

"I will explain on my return..." 

Solaria then took off after Holly, into the walled garden, and with a phasing chant, taking Solaria's hand, and pulling her through, the two phased through the wall.

The two froze to look into the shadowy mist ahead. wondering what could lie ahead just like Luna before them.

And just like Luna, they swallowed their fears, and took tiny steps into the night.


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