Hi! My name is Luke Aaron Baily. My life is very intense and awesome. Just Kidding. Haha! First off my parents were never married. I don't even know my father. It was just me and my mother for 8 years. Now I am 13 years old. I have 3 half siblings and a really mean stepfather. I absolutly hate him! Now I like my 3 half siblings but not a lot. I also have one stepsister. She is older than me by 2 years. She is a brat. I really don't like what my "family" has come too but you know I can't do anything about it. My mother didn't really ask me if I liked this guy that she was about to marry. Whenever she would I would tell her yea. I didn't want to put a downer on her wedding and her happiness so I just went along with it. So yea that is really it. Lets see what will happen later. By the way the story starts at age 8. =)