Chapter Two.

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I woke up when Mama opened the curtains. I got up, and had a shower, and brushed my teeth, and was ready for breakfast. I had my satchel with my drawing pad and pencils in it, in case the other kids wanted to talk to me. I walked back upstairs, and the Brown children were making crazy assumptions on why they couldn't control their actions last night. Chrissy turned to me.

"(Y/N), how did your mother do that last night?" She asked.

I pulled out my pencil and paper, and wrote down my answer.

Tora read it out. "Magic."

I wrote down something else.

"I don't talk much. Don't take it personally." She read again.

Everyone else nodded.

I only just realised that they had drawn spots on their faces, and had a thermometer that was wet. Probably from a tap.

"Good luck with that." Tora read, and their eyes widened, but they nodded.

"If it helps, (Y/N), I know sign language. I can translate for you if you know." Eric said, and I nodded.

'Okay.' I signed, and he nodded.

"(Y/N), what does Nanny McPhee do? Like, as in when she knows that we're faking being sick?" Seb questioned.

'She doesn't tell you off for it. She goes along with it. She makes you eat food that doesn't have any taste, and she gives you the Measles medicine. It's a black, gooey, liquid that moves and bubbles, you have to take it every hour on the hour.' I finished signing to Eric, who translated for them.

They all nodded, and frowned.

Simon smirked. "Let her do her best."

I smirked. 'Try her. You'll be crying before lunch.'

Eric translated for Simon, and everyone laughed. Simon had a look on his face, and I didn't like it.

"If I don't complain before bedtime, you owe me a kiss on the cheek. If I do, I'll eat whatever disgusting meal Cook can make...For a week." He said, and I thought for a bit.

He held out his hand. I nodded, and shook his hand. I turned to leave for breakfast, but Simon caught my hand.

"Why don't you talk?" He asked, and I pointed to my throat.

"Sick?" He asked.

I shook my head, and wrote something down on my drawing pad.

"Mute." He read, and I nodded, and went to breakfast.


Mama and I walked back upstairs, and I was having a sign conversation with Mama. We got to the children's room, and they were all in bed, coughing and carrying on.

"We can't get up." Eric said.

"We're ill." Lily added.

"We got a temperature." Seb groaned.

"Colds in our noses." Chrissy elaborated.

"We think it might be the measles." Simon finished.

I grinned at their idiocy. They wouldn't be pulling any more stunts like these after Mama was through with them.

"Then there's no question of you getting up. I'm very sorry to tell you all that you all have to stay in bed." Mama stated, then turned to me. "(Y/N), be a dear and go tell Cook that the other children are sick, won't you?"

I nodded, then walked down the stairs, and into the kitchen.

I wrote down my message on paper, then knocked on the doorway of the kitchen, alerting Cook that someone was here. She swivelled around while she was peeling potatoes.

"Yes, (Y/N)?" She questioned, and I held up my piece of paper.

"The Brown children are sick." She read, then nodded.

"I guess that means cakes, and jellies, and puddings, EVANGELINE!" She yelled out, startling me.

She tsked when Evangeline wasn't in the kitchen.

"She's never here when you need her." Cook complained, and I gave her a good glare.

"There will be no need for that." Mama said from behind me.

I walked out of the kitchen, then back up the stairs to the kids.

I was having a conversation with Eric, then Mama came back up the stairs with Cook, and Cook was carrying a bucket full of this disgusting broth.

"This'll be good for the lot o' ya! (Y/N), your lunch is downstairs in the dining room." Cook said, and I nodded, then signed a 'thanks', to her, and Mama translated for her, then she nodded.

""You're welcome."

Cook poured some broth into everyone's bowl, then walked back downstairs, followed by Mama.

Lily pouted. "They really are trying to starve us."

I rolled my eyes, then walked downstairs into the dining room. I ate my food, then skipped back upstairs, only to find Simon swallowing the Measles Medicine. I grinned, sure that he was going to complain. He just groaned in disgust, and Mama went around and gave the others Measles Medicine.


I was playing patty cake with Chrissy, then Evangeline walked into the room.

"Have you lazy lot been in bed all day?" She questioned, and I nodded.

She tsked, and walked up to Chrissy.

"You've been doing measles haven't you?" She asked, and I nodded again.

"The situation is simple, Evangeline, our nanny, who in my opinion is a witch, made us ill and made us stay in bed." Eric explained.

"Nanny McPhee is not a witch, Eric, and you're very naughty to say so. I'm sure she knew what she was doing." Evangeline said.

Sebastian butted in, "I'm starving Evangeline, can you please bring me something to eat?"

Evangeline gave him a strange look.

"Did you just say please?" She questioned, and the rest of the Brown children piped up, "Please!"

Cedric (Mr Brown) walked in.

"Hello children. I heard that you had been ill today, but that you're better now." He said, and Simon sat up.

"It wasn't our fault." He replied.

"Good heavens, Simon, I'm sure it wasn't anyone's fault." Cedric countered as Simon glared at Mama.

"Papa." Lily said.

"Yes, Lily?" Cedric responded.

"Can we get up now that we're feeling better?" The brown haired girl asked, but Cedric hesitated.

"Can we get up please?" The Brown children said in unison, and Evangeline looked at all of the children strangely once again.

"Sure, I see no problem with that." Cedric spoke, and all of the children sat up, excluding Simon, who already was sitting up.

"Read to us." Chrissy asked with hopeful eyes.

"I can't, I have letter writing to do." Cedric responded, then walked out followed by Evangeline.

Mama walked over to the bookshelf, grabbed a book, and sat on the end of Chrissy's bed.

"I will read to you." Mama said, and started to read.

"Once upon a time..."


Dedicated to Ninja-of-Cookies for her support, and comments.
So, am I doing how is the story? Tell me in the comments how you feel about it.

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