Mark x Cold! Reader

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It was late fall, the second coldest season next to winter.

But it was bitterly cold for you since you were anemic.

Your best friend made plans for you to meet up at the library, so you could help her with her book report, but sadly that morning you forgot your bus fare and money forcing you to walk. In the morning you let her use your jacket because she forgot hers at your place, the night she slept over. Buuuut, you forgot to take it back from her too.

Now you were stuck walking to the library which was more then half an hour away with only a thin sweater and jeans.

The cold wind made it worse. Why did it have to be so cold? By then you couldn't feel your hands, let alone your face.

"So...cold..." you rubbed your arms and picked up the pace. The faster you go there, the less cold you'd have to be.

You crossed the street and kept walking.

As you walked thoughts about school filled your head. All the work you finished. The tests coming up. Mark..

Mark Tuan.

Not too many people knew him, which was good because you like those unnoticed you.

He was a exchange student from Korea, who moved a few months ago with his family. It was surprising that he knew so much English, which made it easier to communicate. He had a little accent which sounded so cute!

Every single day you'd give him a little gift. Today you gave him a hamburger, in the past he said it was his favorite.

You hoped he enjoyed it..

You teeth chattered and you moved the strands of hair from your face. You noticed there was someone coming from the opposite direction and put your head down. You walked watching your feet, not wanting to make any unnecessary eye contact.

"Y/N?" a familiar voice asked.

You looked up.

It was Mark. He was tightly bundled up with a scarf wrapped around his head and an ear plug hung from one ear.


"Where's your coat?"

"I-I- gave it to m-my friend this morn-ing. I forgot t-t-to get it b-b-back." you started to shiver.

"You look cold.."

"I am" you smiled, your legs started shaking and you shifted your weight from one foot to another trying to keep warm.

"Where are you going?" he started taking off his jacket.

"No, no no!" you held your hands out in front of you, "I'm alright. I'm just going to the library. Its not too far from here. I-I'm good."

Mark ignored your plea and wrapped his jacket around you. " You're always doing nice things for me, now its my turn to return the favor." he smiled and zipped the jacket.

The warm from the jacket covered you and Marks scent filled your nose. His jacket had a hint of leather and Aeropostale cologne. Mark wrapped his scarf around your neck pulling it up to your nose.

"Your nose is red.. How long have you been walking for?" he zipped up the jacket.

"Not too long.. Aren't you going to be cold!? Here let me warm you" you hugged Mark.

You felt his body tense at your contact. "OH! Pfffft..." you let go of him, " I forgot you're not used to so much physical contact."

He cleared his throat and awkwardly scratched his head, "Yeah... That is another thing I'll have to get used to.."

"I'll try not to hug you so often... But I just can't resist." you hugged him again. This time you didn't feel him tense and instead of his arms remaining straight, they awkward hugged you back.

You buried your head into his chest, exhaling his cologne. He was already getting used to it.

"I wish you were my boyfriend.." you mumbled into his chest thinking he wouldn't hear you.

"Sorry?" he released you and slightly moved back.

"Nothing." What the hell were you doing!?, "I.. I just.."

He moved you back to look you in the eyes, waiting for a response.

"I like you... More then a friend..." you couldn't believe you were doing this. He looked confused.

You looked down, " I like in a boyfriend."

There was an awkward silence that lasted for what seemed like forever.

"So you're saying you want to date? I wouldn't see anything wrong with that." you could hear him smile.

Oh. My. God.

"Yes!" MARK WAS ASKING YOU OUT! LORD JEBUS HAVE MERCY YOU WERE ABOUT TO HAVE A HEART ATTACK. ( Yes, Jebus...) " I already have your number, so now we are dating!" you started jumping with excitement.

Mark smiled, " I have to go. I was heading to work when I saw you.." cold wind blew and he rubbed his shoulders, "Give me my jacket tomorrow. Use it until you get to the library." He gave you a quick awkward hug and walked away.

You watched him walk until he turned onto the closest street. You were glad he was learning skin ship by using you <3

Immediately you whipped out your phone to text your best friend.

But before doing that you changed Marks contact name to Markieepoo with a poop emoji.

But before doing that you changed Marks contact name to Markieepoo with a poop emoji

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