Not Now

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A/N: Request from @TWIDASHforever for this. Hope you enjoy.

Twilight's POV

Geez, I'm a little bored. I havn't done anything for a while and I really wanted to. The worst part is that I can't read any books until spike is done cleaning the library. He said he wanted to do it himself, but I don't really think that is such a good idea. "Oh I know! Maybe one of my friends need something. Maybe I could go to Rarity's. But she told me she had to do some work. I'll go visit Fluttershy then." I was talking to myself but I stopped and got off of the couch I was laying on. I started walking to Fluttershy's cottage. 

When I got to her cottage, I knocked on the door and waited. After a while a little bunny answer the door and stared at me.

"Is Fluttershy home?" I asked. I couldn't understand him but I knew he could understand me. He shook his head.

"Oh, ok, thank you. Tell her I came over please." He nodded and closed the door as I flew off. While flying, I didn't look where I was going, lost in my thoughts. Suddenly, I was pushed to the side, tumbling. 

"Hey! What was that for!" I said looking for the pony who pushed me. Then a massive strike of magic blew past me.


"Sorry!" said a pony down below. I guess they were sick cause they were sneezing and sending magical surges all over.

"You really need to watch where your going," said a familiar voice.

"Rainbow Dash, you didn't have to push me that hard. Or you could have screamed, 'Look out!' or something. But thanks anyways, I appriciate not being dead."

"No problem, but you have to chill. Besides I didn't push you that hard. I am sorry though, I guess it's just a reflex," Rainbow said, apologetically

"It's fine. Um... you don't happen to know if Rarity is still busy do you?" I asked, trying not to make things obvious.

"Um, I haven't gone to her house so I'm not too sure," she said. She then looked at me and smirked, "Why do you ask?" she asked still looking at me with a sly grin on her face. 

"No reason.....just wanted to go, um, help her with her work. I mean, only if she needed it," I said, with a little drop of sweat dripping down my forehead. I was getting a little nervous but I then told her quickly,"ByeRainbowDash, seeyoulater!!!" I flew as fast as I could, which I would have been caught by Rainbow Dash if she would have chased me.

I started flying towards Rarity's boutique and stopped at the door. At first I hesitated, but then I knocked. 

"Come in!" an accent voice called out. I walked in and looked around.

"Welcome to my boutique how may I he... Oh hello Twilight! Do you need anything?" asked Rarity.

"N..No, I just came to ask if you were busy," I said still looking around at every piece of cloth scattered on the floor.

"Oh yes very busy darling, I've had to send so many orders of outfits out to my other boutiques in Equestria. I haven't exactly had any time for anything else," Rarity said, while still working and not stopping to even talk.

"I was kind of hoping you were done so we could go do something not um.... boring? Not that this is boring! It's just that I can't find anything to do." I said, trying not to make her get annoyed.

"Sorry Twilight, not now. Maybe we could do something after I'm done with all of this work," she said looking at me with a sorry look.

"Ok, well, would you like some help?"

A/N: Tell me what you think so far?

A Helping Hoof {Rarity x Twilight}Where stories live. Discover now