Freedom and Strength

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Darkness and pain.
These were the only things I felt in this hell. I was used as an experiment by the slavers for some magical reason, the male prisoners beat me up, and both female guards and prisoners used me as stress relief.
The only thing I remember is my mother and that these monsters killed her.
I was currently strapped down with some contraption above me pumping magic. "Arrghggraaaaaghhh" I was in pain. It wasn't as bad as it was in the beginning. My body has grown used to the pain to an extent. I started hearing them speak after the machine power down "Specimen 117 has shown no results in the past 3 years since we started. He is no longer of any use." Finished the first voice. "Agreed, put him back into his cell. I'm sure the females would like one last night with him." Spoke another voice.
As I'm being dragged I feel the lust coming from the females. When I was in the cell, the female guards went first then the prisoners had there turn.
I wake up to pain as a guard was dragging me by my chains until we reached a large room with a hole in the middle. "This is the end of the line for you slave, down there is were all of the other failed experiments are tossed." He picked me up by the neck and hoisted me above the pit. "If the fall doesn't kill you the monster down there will." He let go and I began to fall. During my fall I couldn't help but think 'finally, I can at last be with my mother once again...'
I land hard but was still alive. The sound of my bones breaking brought the attention of whatever was down here. I turned slightly to see a zombie Wyvern stalking towards me. As it got closer I closed my eyes and accepted my fate.
"Your mother wouldn't have wanted this." Spoke a dark and strong voice that seemed to ecoed through the pit. I opened my eyes only to see that the Wyvern stop midstep a few feet from me. I started to look for who ever spoke. "Im not there physical my decedent. I'm within your mind. I'm sorry for what befell you and that I couldn't help you with the pain. But I'll say it once more, your mother wouldn't have wanted this. She would want you to live your life in freedom from this hell. Are you going to be selfish in wanting to be with her and not fulfilling her wishes for you?" He finished. I was shocked by this. He's my ancestor, he was sorry for my pain, and my mother wanted me to live. It was selfish of me to want to die but now it would only hurt my mother instead. I spoke as much as I could. "I w-will l-l-live for her." All of a sudden I feel a rush go through me. My body was healing itself, the pain was gone, I started to feel like I could take on anything. I get a rush of images and information on a man in a red outfit with a whip made of blood and darkness fighting monsters and knights. "That was my first power. The shadow whip. It's strong and versatile. Because my blood has become has trickled down to near nothing in you, you won't be what I was. Thankfully the world is more magical then it was in my time. So you can use my powers. Escape your hell, and I will bring you to a place where humanity can't find you for the years to come." He finished. I finally got the information sorted out and stared at the now moving Wyvern. I finally decided this,
I will have vengeance!

Time skip

The place I called hell was now in flames. I killed all who stood in my way. The slavers, the guards, the prisoners. None escaped my wrath.
All of a sudden I find myself in a large room with a blood red carpet and paintings on the walls. I hear something so I turned to see the man in red once again as he spoke "Welcome to my castle Y/N. This will be your new home for the next coming years. You are the last of my Decedent's and I don't won't my line to be extinguished. I will be training you until I myself must leave. But before the training begins, you must journey through the castle and claim my old relics. Afterwards we will begin your training." I stared for a few seconds then asked "before I do this I must ask, who are you?" He chuckled at that and said "Once I was a man named Gabriel Belmont. But I took on a different name after humanity and the gods betrayed me.
I'm am the Dragon, Dracula, I Am The Prince of Darkness. Your ancestor, Y/N Drake.

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