chapter 15

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"I hate the feeling when you have to say goodbye to someone you want to spend every minute with."

It's been one year, three months and two days exactly. I confessed my feelings to Oliver. And in this whole time a lot of things happened. A lot means a lot.

Raymond went to Florida for his training as chef. He cooks really well. No it's great. But he should take training to be perfect. Finally, his parents approved for him to become a chef. Sad thing was he had left us for one complete year to achieve his goal. Good thing is he'll be coming back this week. One year completed without him. I missed him so much. I missed him being around.

Before he left for Florida, I met his mother and sister. But they don't know how I associated with each other of their family. Let me clear this straight to your head, I meet Lucia, his mother through Raymond. She was so sweet, kind and caring. She liked Sam and me at the instance she laid her eyes on us. We liked her as well. She insists us to call her Lucy. She spent a day with us, we went shopping, ate lunch and talked. We just met her on the same day and at the end of the day we talked like we knew each other for years.

And I met Alexandra, his sister through Oliver. Alex and Oliver seemed to be really close to each other. She was a year younger than me. She was a beauty. She was very protective towards Oliver. She interrogated me, didn't worry in a friendly manner and told me that I'm perfect for her brother. Oliver was very happy that his sister approved of me.

One thing is Oliver didn't know I met his mother and Raymond didn't know I met his sister. Lucia didn't know that I know her son, Oliver and Alex didn't know that I know her brother, Raymond. It was pretty confusing right. But it was also fun. I haven't met their father yet. I don't know under which circumstances I'll meet him. I hope in a good way.

And one more thing, I don't know how to tell this. Should I have to tell this? Maybe I should. Oh God! How can I! Okay, I have to tell now. I lost my virginity to Oliver. I'm glad that he was my first and I'm his first too. He made me feel special. When I was drunk I told him I liked his friend's house which was on sale, he took it seriously and bought that house. We made love there for the first time. We spent a lot of time there. This house holds a special place in our hearts.

I hit the brakes as I saw a red light. I'm going to Oliver's office to surprise him. I want to see his reaction when I suddenly appear in his office. I have been there many times. In fifteen minutes I'm in front of his office after red changed to green. I parked the car and got inside. I went into the elevator and pressed his floor button which is 65th. I waited patiently and after I heard ding I got out.

I walked towards his office passing reception. There was a blonde girl standing in the reception. She may be older than me. She may be new. I didn't see her here before.

"Where's Nina?" I asked the blonde girl. Nina was the receptionist here. She was a nice lady in her late thirties. She adores me so much.

"She was on leave. I replaced her for a few days. Is there anything I can do, miss?" She asked looking up from her work.

"No, I just-" I was cut off by Stella, Oliver's assistant.

"Maria?" She said. I didn't like her a bit. She tried to flirt with Oliver in front of me. I nodded and didn't say anything she continued. "Oliver didn't come to the office today."

"Oh! Maybe I should-" I was again cut off by her.

"He wanted me to tell you something." She said.

"What is it?" I asked her. If he wants to tell me something why didn't he directly come to me.

"Oliver doesn't want to see you anymore. He doesn't want you to disturb him anymore." Am I disturbing him? Doesn't he love me? I felt like someone stabbed me in my heart. "And he wants you to take this and leave him forever."

She held out a check for me to take. I took it and saw it was a blank check signed with his neat handwriting. Tears formed in my eyes making it hard to see things clearly. I tore the check into pieces and threw it in the near bin and got out of that place immediately.

I drove to my apartment. Her words kept on repeating in my mind like a broken recorder. I don't want to believe her. But my mind is saying other things.

You were never meant to be together. He's a billionaire and you're an average girl. He'll never love someone like you. He was just playing with your emotions.

My heart doesn't want to agree with this. I cried the whole day and finally after crying for so many hours darkness consumed me.

Next morning, I woke up and was determined to confront him. I got ready and went to his company. I passed the reception. I smiled weakly to the blonde girl and she returned the smile sympathetically.

I went towards his office, Stella was nowhere to be seen. My heart beat increases as I near the door. The door to his office was slightly open. I looked through the gap and my world stopped. Oliver sat on his chair, Stella was on his lap and they were kissing.

I broke into tears then and there. After I came into my senses I left and got into my apartment. I locked myself in my bedroom. After maybe two hours crying I heard a knock. I thought I just imagined then I heard again.

"MARIA!" Sam called my name from another side, literally yelled. I immediately wiped away my tears and opened the door.

"What happened to you? Why aren't you answering my calls? Why did you lock yourself?" She walked past me and sat on bed. She was a bit angry.

I took my phone from the night stand and saw 3 missed calls and 4 messages telling me to answer her calls. "I'm sorry I didn't see. I'm having a headache." I lied.

"Oh God! Why didn't you tell me before? Did you need a doctor?" She took her phone from her purse and I stopped her.

"No. I'm fine, now. Why are you here anyway?" I sat next to her.

"Did you forget?" I glared at her. "Raymond is coming today." She said. I totally forgot that Raymond is coming today.

"Come on, get ready. I told him to meet us at a cafe." She told me. I don't want to go anywhere. Maybe I can get things out of my mind. I don't deserve Oliver. I want to get him out of my mind. So I agreed.

"Give me ten minutes." I told her. She said okay and waited for me in the living room. I got ready and we headed to the cafe.

The car ride was silent. After a few minutes Sam broke silence. "What happened?" She asked looking at me for a second and then again fixed her eyes on the road.

"Nothing." She didn't buy it and she didn't want to push it either. So she drove the car silently. After ten minutes we were in the cafe. We sat silently.

"What is my ba-" I was cut off by someone calling our names. I turned around to see Raymond. He looks the same as when we last saw.

Sam immediately rose from her seat and hugged him. She gave a small peck on his lips. They pulled away. He came to hug me, I hugged him.

"I missed you." I said, patting his back.

"I missed you too." He said and pulled away. We sat, got our drinks in our hands. He talked about his days in Florida. He told us how he missed us being around him. He talked some more time.

"Raymond, will you marry me?" Sam asked out of blue. I was shocked. I looked at Raymond, he was trying to process what Sam asked into his mind. I looked at Sam, she was a bit nervous waiting for his answer.


What? No?

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