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Celeste's point of view

I kick a rock around as I was walking home. It's now October so it's getting a little cooler. Unfortunately I left my jacket in my locker at school so now I'm shivering. I walk almost home to see a few dudes walking in my direction. It's the Bowers gang. I continue to walk home without looking at them or drawing any attention to myself. I am relieved when I get to the front door. I check my bag but can't find my keys anywhere. "Shit!" I mutter and i turn to the side of the wall. I prep to climb the side to get into my bedroom window. I hear someone behind me so I turned around to see Henry bowers. I saw Patrick and Victor behind him walking their own separate ways. Sadly I heard that their other friend Belch disappeared and turned up dead shortly after. I turn back and start to climb the side. "Trying to rob a house?" I get to the roof and say, "Nope just lost my keys again." I open my window and shut it behind me. I look through the window to see Henry walk away.

I go to my desk and plop my backpack on top. I change into my casual clothes and prepare to do my homework. Coming back to Derry was weird after living in New York for a few months. My parents were working in the city and I had to stay with them. I came back because my brother graduated from college and could be my legal guardian. We went back to my old house and I decided to change my room for my parents. My brother was fine with it because he is working at the high school as the vice principal. I know he's really young to be a vice principal, but it's his job so. He has a big desk in his office so he said he only needs room for his bed. I finish my homework and go downstairs. I make my dinner for the night and eat alone. It's great to have a big brother and all, but I feel like he's never around.

It's only 5:30 so I decide to go back outside and walk around in the park. I make sure to grab my coat. I stroll around in the park and sit on the bench. I see Eddie walk through the park with Richie and I run up to them. "Hey you!" Eddie says and I hug him. I've met the losers once I moved back because My brother knew Eddie's mother. I hug Richie tightly and try to pull back but he continues to hug me. I hug him again and lightly pat his back, hoping he would get the hint to pull away. "Okay, um Richie, you can pull away now." He groans and stops. I laugh at him and say, "Hello to you too." We all chat as we walk around. Eddie and Richie are my closest friends out of the losers and we hang out together a lot. Eddie because of his worried mother, eventually had to leave so Richie and I were alone. "So Celeste, babe, anything new with you?" He puts him arm around my shoulder as we walk. Good old Richie. "Nope. Empty quiet house for a quiet girl on a quiet day." He nods and we keep walking. He takes his hand away as he runs up to a corner store. I walk next to him and hold the door open. We both walk in and go straight for the snacks. We sure do think alike. "Do you have any cash?" I smile and pull out a ten dollar bill. He jumps up and down and I laughed. We grab two bottles of Coca Cola and look around for some other snacks. We go further in the back and I bump into someone. "Oops sorry," I put my hand on their shoulder. "I'm not watching where I'm go" I see it was Patrick and immediately take my hand off of him. I just look down, clear my throat, and walk away. I see in the corner of my eye looking at me as I turn into the other isle. I continue to walk I hear a bunch of movement and see Richie grabbing a million and one bags of Cheetos. I giggle to see him trying to push up his glasses. I walk over to him, take the bags out of his hands and hand him one. He dramatically starts to fake cry and I push him. "Cry baby." We pay for our stuff and walk down the sidewalk. We talk and laugh and hear someone behind us. We turn to see Henry Bowers gang about ten feet away. Richie almost looks like he's about to be smart and talk like he always does, so I say to him, "Take these and go home. On your way drop my stuff in my porch ok?" He nods and speed walks away leaving me alone with them. They all get closer and I turn to them. Henry waves in a weird flirty way and I just ignore it. "Hello Henry." I say casually as I keep walking. They're still following me even when I quicken my speed. "What's the rush Celeste?" I don't turn around I just keep walking. I'm honestly surprised he knows my name. So far Henry hasn't hurt me but from what I've heard he beat up the losers real bad last year. "I'm just trying to get home. Goodbye Henry." I keep walking and make it to my street. I run to my house grab what Richie left me and lock the door. I sigh with relief and slide to the floor. I put my head in my hands and sit there for a few moments.That was close. I go to the dining table and finish my snacks as I watch tv.One of these days he's going to do something. And I'll make sure to be ready for it

Ayo another flipping book woot woot. These are really fun to make and you guys are so nice thanks so much💜

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