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Ayeee 300 reads my doods

After the movie ends I say goodbye to Richie and make my way home. I eat something and make my way to my room. I plop down onto my bed and go under the covers. I become sleepy and close my eyes. What a day.

*one week later*
I've become close to the Bowers gang even though I still sit with the losers at lunch. I can tell they're concerned I'm going to turn on them but I assume them that isn't going to happen. I make my way out of my last class to detention. I see the Bowers gang and they walk past me. I exchange smiles to Patrick and Victor. I don't see Henry there and I frown as I get to my locker. I quietly pack my things as thoughts go through my head. As I close my locker I see Henry smiling at me. I smile probably way to hard and he laughs. "You ready? You only have one week left." I grab my stuff and say, "Hell Yeah let's go!" He walk to detention and the teacher locks the door after we settle.

"You're getting good at this Splenda." Patrick nudges my arm with his elbow as I won the game of cards. I giggle and bow. "Had a weeks practice." They all laugh and we start the card again. After our game Victor suggested something to the group. "How about we play a game where we have someone blindfolded and tries to find us in the room?" We all smile and Patrick agrees "ooh and the light is off so we have to not run into stuff." They high five and we prepare to play. Patrick goes first and Victor stays in one spot behind the teacher's desk. Henry and I jump up in down to make noise as Patrick ties to catch us. He gets close to me and I run towards Henry. We continue to run until Patrick gains up on us. I feel henry put his hand on my waist and the other on my mouth to quiet me. I could feel my cheeks warm up because of Henry.Patrick walks right next to us and doesn't hear us at all. Henry and I air high five and go separate sides of the room. Patrick found Victor and Victor also tried to find us with his eyes covered. Henry came over to me which was going to blow my cover. I widen my eyes and shake my head. I mouth 'go somewhere else' but he doesn't listen. I grab his hand to move him away and I dodge the boys as he gets caught. "I wiiiiinnnnnn!" I jump up and down as they all look at each other and shake their head. "Since you've won, you can be it." Victor said and I groaned loudly. "Fine." I say even though I don't really care I'm having a lot of fun.

After I put the blindfold on I wait ten seconds and start to walk around the room. I hear the desk move and the shuffling of feet to my left and cautiously run that direction. I run around the room and tag who I assume to be Patrick. He joins me and we part our ways. "We're going to get you guys," Patrick said in a sing song voice. I make my way to the back of the room and I hear a quiet noise. I lunge towards it and tumble on top of someone. I take my blind fold off and see I was on top of Henry. He smirks and I feel my cheeks heat up again. Before the others could see us in this position, I get up and say, "I got you Bowers." He gets up and tickles me. I can't resist when people tickle me. It's stupid but it's one of my weaknesses. "Get a room love birds!" Victor says and I flip him off when I'm in the middle of giggling.

The teacher unlocks the door and we all leave. Sadly Richie is sick today so we can't do our movies today. I'm not sure what my plans are tonight. Henry is walking me home and we pass Richie's house. "So I guess you don't have plans today?" I look up and nod. Henry smirks and I roll my eyes. "We normally watch movies at his house and I'm so in the movie mood." I stop on my tracks and so does Henry. "Want to watch a movie at my house?!" He smirks and nods as I jump up and down. We get closer to mine. I see the clouds becoming dark and thunder rolling in. Then it starts to rain and I grab his hand running into the house. I was soaking wet and went up to my bathroom to get a towel. I grab some clothes and change. I come back out and see Henry looking in my room. "Here," I toss him jakes old hoodie he gave to me and Henry starts to take his shirt off. "I I'm am going to get some popcorn. You can pick a movie from the cabinet." I awkwardly leave my room and prepare the popcorn in the microwave. I also get some sodas. Once the popcorn is done I bring everything upstairs to Henry who is sitting on the floor. I lay the food in front of him and grab my blanket from the bed as he starts the movie.

We're halfway through the movie and I can see Henry shiver in the corner of my eye. I lift up the blanket so we can share and huddle close. He tugs at the blanket and his hands brush against mine. I can sense that I am blushing but I continue to stare at the screen. The movie soon ends and i look out of my window. Henry looks too and says, " maybe we can watch another movie and I can leave once the rain stops..." i nod and grab the trash from my room. "I'll be right back and we can watch another." I walk back down the stairs and clean up the stuff I laid out earlier. I come back up to see Henry huddled under my blankets on my bed. I start the movie and make room for myself next to him. The movie starts and I realize it's my favorite one. "Hey this is my favorite movie!" He looks at me wide eyed. "Really? It's mine too!" We both laugh as we high five. And I move closer to him. He wraps his arms around my waist as we talk about random things. We watch the movie as the storm continues through the night.

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