Chapter 1 -»Niall Horan«-

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I shook as the guards pushed me into the bare and cold room. All I could focus on was the huge test tubes on the table filled with red.

Filled with a part of me from last time I was in this very room.

But this time there were different tools laid out on the table. I could see some sharp objects and that was enough for my blood to run cold. What would they do to me this time?

When the two men behind me finally left the room, I allowed myself to look up from my bland tennis shoes.

I didn't have much time. The doctor would be in here in 5 minutes, maybe 6 if I was lucky. I rushed into action.

The first thing I did was grab the closest chair and put it under the door handle. It squeaked a bit on the tile floor, making me wince but not slow down.

I stood up and turned slowly to look at the perfectly sanitized table with all the tools I needed.

From all my other attempts it was clear I wasn't a fighter, not yet at least. I hadn't gotten to the point where I could physically hurt someone even if I tried. So my only option now was to flight.

I was getting out of here.

I was done with the test tubes and needles always poking at me. I was done being their test subject.

Now came the hard part. I had tried to run before but didn't make it far. When everyone was born, they had a chip put in their left hand to prove they were a citizen-that they were a first born. If someone didn't have a chip and was caught then they were killed, or so they thought.

Because I didn't have a chip, yet here I was.

Well I didn't have a chip before I came here. Now I did, it was the first thing they did when I arrived. My problem was that it had a tracking device in it. And now it was my mission to get it out.

I had been here for years so it would be painful to tear out but I needed to make sacrifices.

I put my left hand on the table and took a deep breath before bringing my shirt up to my mouth. I slowly grabbed some scissors and then closed my eyes before bringing them down on my hand.

I screamed at the pain and finally opened my eyes to cut deeper, I needed it out.

I felt dizzy when I finally pulled out the small medal chip. It didn't seem like much, but it ruined lives.

I cradled my hand close to my chest and winced when I grabbed the window sill. Tears were starting to gather at the corner of my eyes as I tried to catch my breath.

I looked over to the door that was starting to rattle. I heard shouting from the other side as I opened the window and quickly pulled myself over.

My time was up.

I took one last breath before I pushed off the wall and tumbled down to the ground. My stomach dropped as I descended through the air before the pain spread through my leg.

I had landed on my knee wrong, I realized with dread. I stood up and instantly fell back down when I put pressure on my leg.

I sobbed into the ground as I heard the shouting from the room that I was in before. I looked up to the second floor window that was open and now had the doctor looking out of it.

Even from down here I could see the evil smile on his face when he caught sight of me.

I couldn't do this. If I had to spend one more waking hour with that man then I would surly kill myself.

It was the strength I needed to get on my feet again. I stumbled but made my way towards the edge of the fence. I ripped the wire away easily, it seemed they didn't fix it from the last time I tried to escape.

When I reached the forest is when the sirens started to go off.

All I could hear were the sirens, they were so loud.

I tried to walk faster when I saw the outlines of people coming out of the huge brick building. If I didn't pick up the pace then they would catch me.

I leaned against a tree for a second to catch my breath. I clenched my teeth and whimpered when my knee throbbed.

I could do this, I had to.

I let a tear slide down my face as I started running as fast as I could.

Away from the facility, away from the pain and away from this entire nightmare called my life.

About 5 miles out is when I passed out from the pain.

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