Chapter 9 -»Zayn Malik«-

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It didn't take long for the Tomlinson's to make it on TV.

According to the news, this all happened yesterday and it was almost 5 in the morning. But that wasn't what caught my attention the most; there were not one, but seven kids. Seven.

I had to hand it to them, although this fiasco just showered a whole storm of trouble onto my family, it was still impressive that they hid seven kids for all these years.

It was like my family already knew what I was going to say before I even said it. My dad didn't say anything but walked out of the room quickly, probably to make his coffee before he had to head to work. My mum and sister; Doniya, were the only ones who stayed. Everyone was supposed to be sleeping but the only one who actually was, was Waliyha.

Tonight was a restless night for all of us. News traveled fast when it came to 'harboring children'. The news of the Tomlinson's had left everyone shaken.

"I need to leave." I whispered to them suddenly in the early morning light. My sister stared at me sadly before turning her gaze to the closed window. You couldn't see the stars anymore, the sun was just coming up but that didn't stop her from looking out as if she could see beyond the cheap curtains.

"You don't even know what you're talking about." My mum spit and jumped up to run away from the conversation. I knew she was just scared that I was serious.

"I need to go before they find me too and I get you guys in trouble." I countered, making my mum glare at me.

"We will handle what is thrown at us. End of discussion." She said harshly. Her tone of voice told me that I should drop it, so I did. I knew a losing battle when I saw one.

I sighed and leaned back against the couch. "I'm sorry mum, I love you. I don't want any of you guys hurt, especially because of me."

Her gaze softened and she sighed as well. "I love you too Zayn, but we can handle this." She reassured. But I could tell by the twinkle in her eye and the shaking of her hands that she was out of options. What could she do? Nothing. She couldn't hide me and Waliyha away like she used to.

Mum left the room, leaving me and Doniya alone. I decided not to mention the fact that she had tears in her eyes. Because we all knew exactly what would happen in the end if I stayed. I would die. So would Waliyha. The government would take us away to wherever and take care of us, once and for all. Just like they did with Safaa.

There was an awkward silence as I waited for mum to leave. I heard her talking lightly with dad, which meant she really wasn't listening to us.

I turned to Doniya, only to find that she had finally looked away from the closed window and was now looking at me. She looked so impossibly sad. "I know Zaynie. I know okay? I'm not like mum, I do understand that you have to make your own decisions but please don't leave us just yet." She stuttered before I even said anything.

"We need to do something." I muttered finally, making sure our conversation stayed between the two of us as I leaned forward. "I need to at least try." I corrected myself.

It was silent after that. Neither of us needed to say anymore because we both knew, from years of fighting, that neither of us were gonna win this. We would both do what we needed to in the end.

I finally looked away from her desperate gaze. She surprised me when she got up to get ready for school, "Ultimately, just do whatever keeps you safe." She murmurs and pats my shoulder on her way out. I closed my eyes to stop myself from crying because this was my decision.

And everyone knew what my final answer was going to be anyway, because family always came first. But that didn't particularly mean they would make my decision easier.

- - -

I paced back and forth in my room, trying to pull ideas out of my brain. How was I supposed to leave without being seen by anyone, including my family? And if I even succeed with that, what should I bring with me? What will I even need?

I looked at the clock that blinked 12:37 back at me. It had been hours of me planning and hours of me coming up with just as much nothing as I started with.

I laid back on my bed with a loud sigh, throwing my arms out in frustration. If there really was something out there then for the love of god, please just give me anything!

That's when my bedroom door flew open. I jumped, my glare turning into a look of confusion.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school right now?" I asked and Doniya just shrugged.

"It doesn't matter where I'm supposed to be. What matters is that I think I found a solution to this whole mess." She smiled brightly and laughed, sitting down on my bed excitedly.

I kicked her lightly to get her attention again. "What exactly did you come up with this time?" I wondered. I figured she was just going to throw more reasons at me about why I should stay and hide for the rest of my life. I wondered if it ever occurred to any of them that I was sick of hiding. I didn't ask to be born, so why was I the one paying for it?

"I found the Tomlinson boy." She stated, like that was supposed to be answer enough. I squinted at her, making her look away from me.

"So?" I wonder.

"So he has a plan! Before I say anything else, I would just like to say that I was not eavesdropping! I was just going to find Louis-" She stopped to inform me, "-the Tomlinson boy." Then she launched right back into her story like she never left off. "-and like say I was sorry or something? But then there was this meeting thing and then Greg was there." She looked at me thoughtfully before she added, "Do you remember Greg? He was Niall Horan's older brother." She let that sink in before she continued, or maybe she was just trying to be respectful and give Niall a moment of silence. "Anyway, Louis and Greg were talking and Greg's girlfriend too! They had like this whole plan and don't be mad, but I tracked down Louis and told him that you wanted to help."

I didn't know what to think after the whole whirlwind of information was thrown at me. When I stayed silent, she assumed I was going to reject her offer.

"You wanted a way out, Zayn this is it!" She stressed and I nodded. She's right, this is my last chance to make a decision.

Before I could open my mouth to tell her yes, she leaned forward even closer. I leaned in as well, knowing she had a secret that even the walls couldn't hear. "Gemma has a little brother." She says simply and I stare at her with wide eyes.

"Styles?" I whispered in disbelief and she nodded.

"Apparently the three of you guys are supposed to go find someone but the end game is that we are all getting out of here Zaynie. Even Mum and Dad and Waliyha. We'll all be safe Zayn."

It sounded too good to be true but I trusted Doniya and she was amazing at reading people. If she thought this was gonna end worse than it already (most likely) will, then I trusted her.

I pulled away from our small huddle, looking around my room. I needed to make a final decision now, but did I really have a choice?

I had been dreaming of this opportunity ever since Waliyha was born. If I could give my whole family freedom, even if we were on the run for the rest of our lives, then how in the world could I say no?

"When and where?" I ended up mumbling.

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