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Ok I'm SOOOOO sorry for not updating for so Long. I've been dealing with A LOT of exams, but now they are finally over!!!!! I'll be updating REAL soon. The next chapter coming shall be the last one, and I want to thank all my lovely ones for reading this story. I started it out fine, but I'm sorry I couldn't make it interesting at the end. The story got pretty boring at the end huh? But the ending chapter is coming soon, and I've actually been thinking of writing a new story. They'll be based on Littles!!! I've been obsessed with BTS littles stories nowadays. It's because when I read BTS fanfics, they normally end sadly like with someone's death and it is always breaking my heart over and over again and making feel a tad bit depressed. So, I would like to write a fluffy and cute story on BTS littles!!! What do you all think of this idea? I hope you all can accept this story concept as I know some people do not like these kind of things. If you guys don't know what is a "Little" you can read "Yoongi Little Space" by minsugaforever to learn about it more😊😊😊 it will take some time for me to brainstorm the ideas for the new book, so please be patient for me!!! Once again, thank you my lovely ones.
Potato-nim 🥔

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