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        "Well then, shall we head off? It's about time." Namjoon asked,we nodded head towards the door, waving to Jimin,"Be safe!" he said,showing his eye smile. We soon reached the building, and there were many Guards outside. "Tch,it is not going to be easy sneaking in." Hoseok bit his lip and his eyebrows furrowed, looking slightly annoyed." Come on...we just have to kill them all to shut them up right? No big deal." I grinned, "We can't,it's too risky."he shook his head. Just then, Yoongi's voice comes in through the earpiece,"Guys, Taehyung and I managed to hack into the security system, the security cameras are down.Go in through the back, there are only two Guards. Be quick before that notice anything amiss."He instructed and we nodded,grabbing our weapons.We slowly crept up on the two Guards, and hit them at the back of their heads, knocking them out. We sneaked into the building, stealthily avoiding the Guards patrolling the area and quietly climbed up the stairs to the CEO's office. We creaked open the door, and there he was, sitting on the black leather couch, back facing the door,"What vulnerable prey." I thought to myself, smirking. "Psst..." Hoseok nudged me, and I nodded, giving him a knowing look. He tiptoes behind the old fogey, and grabs him, covering his mouth and holding him down. The old man struggles frantically as I made my way over to him,damn he must be scared as hell, his face was as pale as a bone. I waved at him, "Hello Mr.Kim, we're here to...take you to hell." I cooed, plunging my knife into his chest and stabbed repeatedly, blood splattering onto Hobi,my clothes and face. The old man tries to yell out loud, but his screams of pain were my muffled by Hoseok's strong grip. Finally, his eyes glazed over, and he collapses on the floor, laying motionless...he's dead. I watch the Crimson blood drip from my knife as the satisfaction washes over me." Mission accomplished." Hoseok says in triumph,"Huh...thinks he's so great being the CEO of a big company. He's just being guarded by a few weak little ants." He spat at the corpse. "Yeah..this sure was easy, I could do it with my eyes closed." I added while trying to wipe the blood of my clothes. "Ok, well done with killing the target, now get the hell out of there before the Guards find out." Taehyung commanded through the earpiece and I nodded my head towards the door, "Let's go." We ran to the yard, where a van was waiting for Hobi and I. Namjoon greeted us in the van,"Well done, now let's go home, Jin's worried."and sped home. The moment we stepped in the house, Jin came running to us,"Oh my god, are you ok Y/N? There's so much blood on you! Are you hurt?" He asked. "Hey...what about me? I'm here too you know?" Hobi pouted, "Y/N's a girl, you are a grownup man, you can take care of yourself perfectly fine." Jin said. I chuckled, " I'm fine,oppa. I'll go take a shower." I ran off to the bathroom. I pried the bloody clothes off my body, stepping into the shower. The water washed the bloodstains away, revealing scars all over my back, arms and limbs. They brought back many bad memories...the fear I felt...the pain I went through,I shook off the feeling, not wanting to bring them back. That night, I slept soundly.

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