Mermaid/Pirate AU

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(So this is more of a friendship thing...... kinda)

You walked along the dock, observing the ships and mentally comparing them to the one you had sailed here on.

The moonlight shone onto the blue ocean, small waves gently lapping at the shore and the ships.

You were distracted, however, when loud splashing filed your ears. You looked towards the noise and saw a flash of a shining golden-yellow color, standing out against the deep blue water.


I stared at the person as they walked along the dock, my heart pounding and my head racing.

I dove back underwater, taking a look around then looking at my looking golden tail.

I was one of the few unlucky ones that had bright, flashy colors, that stood out from my environment greatly.

I didn't blend in so I had stopped trying to but out didn't make me feel any less exposed.


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With another moment of hesitation I began to move around, splashing the water with my fin to get thier attention.

I watched as the person climbed into a boat, and began rowing towards my position.

I stopped my movement and waited till the young (lad/lass) got deeper into the water.

I swam to the side of the boat and peeked above the water, getting a closer look at the person on the boat.

I began humming the tune to the song as I dove underwater.

(Back to whatever POV I usually write in)

You turned quickly, not seeing who was humming.

The song was familiar though.

"My heart is pierced by cupid. I disdain all glittering gold~"

A soft voice sang.

You looked over to the side puff the boat, catching a glimpse of a girl.

"There is nothing can console me~"

It continued.

"But my jolly sailor bold." You finished, looking around.

Then your eyes landed on me.

A soft smile made it's way to my lips as my blue eyes shone in the moonlight.

You looked at me in shock as I approached the boat and pulled myself out of the water slightly. My tail still under.

My silver 'sleeves' reflected the light, my hair hung around me, sticking to my back and arms, the tips still floating in the water.

"You've met a mermaid before?" I asked in a soft voice.

You nodded, having a hard time finding your voice. Something about me seemed strangely familiar. I felt the same familiarity with you.

I smiled softly and divide back under the water, my tail breaking the top of the water as I went down.

I soon came back up and took one of your hands, only then did you realize that you were leaning over the water.

"My heart is pierced by cupid."

I put something in your hand, constantly covering it, before wrapping your fingers around it.

"I disdain all glittering gold."

I smiled again and with a flock of my tail I disappeared into the night.

"There is nothing can console me."

You sat in the same position for a few seconds then you moved, opening your hand and seeing a small golden shell.

"But my jolly sailor bold~"

(I am planning to quite a part 2 for this one idk X3)

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