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(I don't know how to start things so....)

It was your 6th birthday and your parents had brought you to the park

"Hi!" You looked up to see a girl, blonde hair reaching just a little past her shoulders, she looked to be your age

"Hi," you said back with a small smile.

"What's your name?"


"Cool! Do you wanna be friends?" I asked.

"Sure!" (I'm going for realism here people)

I smiled happily and we went off to play together, becoming great friends, but you never got my name.

Even though you knew Stacy's name.
You never even talked to each other!
But I digress.

(Time skip)

After about a year you had to move, we were 7 so at the time it seemed like a big deal but it really wasn't, we were pushed to the back of each other's minds as we grew up.

Passing elementary and middle school, then one we hit highschool you moved back.

You were the cool kid, not one of those ones who would do any and everything for attention though, you didn't try to keep your social status up though, but I always suspected that's why everyone thought you were so cool too.

I thought you were cool too, but I was the queen of the nerds so I never really thought I could be a part of your life again, that is until...

"Well, well, well, the nerd thinks she can just leave without saying hello," a jock named Evan sneered. (No not any of the precious Evan's of the world, a jerk one made up for sorry purposes)

"You don't even know muy name," I whispered to myself. I want surprised though, only my group knew me because, as I mentioned before, I'm the nerd queen.

He shoved me against a locker as had friends laughed.  Then a voice came from the heavens- wait no, it was just down the hallway.

"Hey!" I looked over and saw you coming over, clearly not happy. "What did she do to you?" You growled. I kinda got lost, mainly in surprise that someone was defending me, but then you punched Evan in his, stupid, pretty, face.

Yes, I liked Evan. I couldn't help it.
As the wise words of Brenden Urie go,
'Love is not a choice.'

But once you arrived that ended.

Him and his gang left, for reasons unknown to me because I'm fairly certain that they would only benefit from staying, but I won't complain.

"Hi," you said, turning to me.

"H-hi," I stuttered.

"It's, uh, Stacy. Right?" You asked.

"Uhm, y-y-yeah," I stuttered softly, a little heartbroken.

(Time skip)

"Do you really have to go?" You asked.

I smiled sadly.

"My plane is about to board," you looked down sadly. "Hey, I'll come back okay? I promise," I said softly. I set my bag down and hugged you again you hugged me back.

"Just be careful, okay Stace?" I felt something inside me break, it was probably my heart.

I pulled away from you and picked up my bag again. I smiled weakly and looked at you with sad eyes.

"Actually... my name is Jane," I said. With that I turned on my heel and walked away.

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