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I'm Y/N L/N. I'm 23 years old and my dream job is to be A doctor. I also have cardiomyopathy which means I have a weak heart. my mom almost died having me but she's alive and I live with her and my dad still.

I applied for the job at one of the hospital's at
san jose bonoventure hospital. they said they'd call me and I'm really excited to know if i could in.

I was walking too my house when I saw a boy getting beat up by some older kids. i ran over to them, "Hey! leave him alone!."  I yelled. the boy just looked at me not scared at all, "What are you gonna do a about, It Huh?."  The kid said. I was about to grab him when one of them scared me. my heart started jumping. I pulled out my Inhaler just so I could breath, "If you kids don't get out of....here..I'm gonna tell all of your parents that you almost killed me because, I have a weak heart and I know you guys Wouldn't Want That Right?" I Said. they all ran off and i help the boy up, "Thanks ms." He said a little scared, "No problem and just call me Y/N." I said. he smiled. i checked him to make sure he wasn't hurt bad. he only had small cuts and bruises, "You should get home and get those cuts clean" i said softly. he hugged me and i hugged back, "Thanks Y/N and i will. Bye!" He said as he ran off. i waved back and went home

I went in my room and played don't forget where you belong by one direction because It makes me feel not alone. my mom came in, "Sweetheart are you Ok?" She Asked. i really didn't want to talk about it, "Some kids were beating up this boy and i stopped them but one of them scared me....It felt like my heart was about to pop out of my chest." I Said. i have to be every careful of what i do. can't watch horror movies like the really scary ones. can't go too scary house's and i don't really go to the movies because It's a little loud but i can go. my mom hugged me, "Honey please be careful. you could died if it was that bad." I sighed, "But that's why i want to become a doctor. so people like me won't have to go though it." I say but she just looked at me considered, "Is you're breathing okay?" I just nodded, "Okay well. I'm gonna make dinner. I'll call you when It's ready." She said walking out. i gave her a thumbs up and she smiled and closed the door. i went back to playing my music and reading percy jackson and the sea of monster.

As i was reading my phone was ringing. it was the hospital. i stopped the song and answered It,


"Hello ms L/N this is doctor glassman. i just wanted to say you got the job!. you start tommorow!"

I was about to start screaming,

"Thank! thank you doctor glassman and see you tomorrow!." I said ending the call and started screaming. my parents ran in, "Y/N are you okay!?" They said scared. was still screaming, "I GOT THE JOB!" I screamed. my mom ran up and hugged me and so did my dad, "We're proud of you Y/N!" i just hugged them tighter. i couldn't believe i job. i can't wait for tommorow.

Hey! Guys 😁 So I'm In Love With The Show It's So Good So I Did Story About It!. I'm Doing My Other Story's Don't Worry 😁😉 And Have An Amazing Day! ~~Denise😊💜~~

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