The fight

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2 month later

Ever Since I Found Out I Can't Have The Baby Shuan Has Been Bagging Me Not To Do It But I'm Not Just Gonna Give Up Just Like That. Newt Didn't Give Up When It Came To His Friends Who Were Like His Family So Why Should I?. I'm not Giving Up That Easy. Even Though I Made That Latter Too Shuan If I Don't Make It But It Least The Baby Will Be Alive.

Being That I Was Upset I Decided Too Go For A Walk Because I Just Needed To Clear My Mind. I Know I Should Be In Bed But They Say It's Good To Walk When You're Pregnant But Shuan Will Start Overreacting.

As I Was Walking I Saw Someone I Really Didn't Want To See. It Was Peter. I Tried Walking The Other Way But He Had Already Saw Me, "Well Well. Fancy Seeing You Walking Around." He Said Trying To Hug Me Put I Pushed Him, "What Is With You Peter." I Said Calmly. He Kept Trying To Get Close To Me But I Backed Away Every Time, "C'mon Y/N. We Can Go Back Too The Way It Used To Be. I Miss You." He Said Smirking, "I'm Married And Yeah Like I Would Be That Dumb To Go Back With You. I'd Rather Sleep Out Here Pregnant And All So You Can Continue Doing What Ever You Were Doing." I Said Walking Off. He Didn't Follow Me So I Continued Walking.

I Put My Headphones And Played Moondust By Jaymes Young. My Phone Went Off And It Was Shaun Calling Me. I Ignored It And Just Texted Him

Y/N :
Shaun I'm Fine. I'm Just Getting Some Fresh Air Don't Worry ❤

He Didn't Respond So I'm Guessing He's Busy Or His Mad. I Decided To Just Turn Around And Walk Back Home.

Few Minutes Later

I Walk In And Everything Was On The Floor, "Shaun What The Hell Happened!?." I Said Hoping We Didn't Get Robbed. John Was Crying, "John Honey What's Wrong?." I Asked Sitting Next To Him, "Dad Got Mad And-And Started Th-Throwing Things." John Said Sobbing. I Told Him To Go In His Room And Close The Door. I Went Into The Bedroom And Shuan Was On The Floor Crying And Rocking Back And Forth, "Shaun Tell Me What's Wrong." I Said Calmly. He Jumped Up And Kept His Eyes On Me, "You.... it's YOU!." He Yelled, "Shaun What Did I Do?." I Said Confused
"YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID AND NOW YOU'RE GONNA DIE BECAUSE OF IT!. YOU JUST DIDN'T LISTEN TO ME!." He Screamed, "I'M NOT JUST LET THIS BABY GO NOT NOW!. SO YOU CAN SCREAM ALL YOU WANT." I Yelled Back And Walked Out, "GET BACK HERE!." He Grabbed My Hand But I Slap His Hand And He Slapped Me Back. I Almost Fall But I Cought Myself, "Y/N... I'm So Sorry I." I Cut Him Off. I Told John To Get Some Clothes And Pack Them As I Did The Same Thing, "Y/N..Wait I'm Sorry." He Trying To Hold Me, "I Just Need To Be Alone So Me And John Are Staying With My Mom." I Said Not Trying To Cry. John Was Done And So Was I.

I Grabbed My Maze Runner The Death Cure Book And Stuck It In My Bag, "I'm Just Gonna Say This Once But I'm Not Scared Of Dying It's More Forgetting. If The Baby Is Fine Then That's Okay So Just Know That. I'll See You Soon" I Said Walking Off, "Please Y/N...Please.." He Said Crying.

As Much As I Wanted To Turn Around I Couldn't, "You Need Some Time Alone Shaun. We'll Be At My Parent's House....Love You." I Said Holding Back Tears. I Closed The Door And Got In The Car And Went To My Parents House. My Mom Opened The Door. I Cried In Her Arms. John Held Me Trying To Stop Me For Crying. We Went Inside, "You Did The Right Thing Y/N." My Mom Said, "But I Feel Like I Didn't. Shaun Can't Always Control His Emotions. Maybe I Should Just Give Up On This Baby." I Said With My Hands In My Face. Mom Started Rubbing My Back, "Honey Don't Give Up. Shaun Just Need Some Time To Himself. Just Text Him And Let Him Know How You Feel, " She Said. What He Said As I Went Out The Door Wouldn't Leave My Brain, "I Told Him I'm Not Scared Of Dying But I'm Scared Of Being Forgotten And That I'm Fine With The Baby Being Alive And Not Me. But That's What He's Scared Of." I Said Crying, "You're His Life Y/N. He Doesn't Want To Lose You.  You're The Best Thing He Has Y/N." Mom Said. So Many Thought Flying Around My Head, "Him And John Need You." Mom Said. I Told Her I Was Going To Take A Shower.

I Stood There. With All This Pain. Thinking What Shaun And John Would Do Without Me. I Wish I Could Just Be Normal Instead Of Having Hell Of A Heart Condition. I Got Out The Shower Looking In The Mirror At  Someone That Isn't Me. There's This Girl Who's Scared That Everyone Will Hate Her Because She Made A Bad Choice.

I Changed My Clothes. As I Was About To Go Too Sleep John Came in, "Mom. Can I Sleep With You Tonight." He Said Sweetly, "Sure I Could Use Some Company." I Said Smiling John Jumped In And Got Close To Me, "Are You And Dad Splitting Up?." He Said Sadly, "No Sweetie Me And Shaun Just Need Some Time Apart But It's Not Forever. Don't Worry." I Said Kissing His Head, "What About You?." He Asked, "I'm Not Sure But Don't Worry I Know I'm Strong Enough So Don't Worry About Me." I Said Smiling, Do You Want Me To Sing You Too Sleep?." I Asked. He Nodded. I Put His Hand On My Stomach And Sang Rockabye By Clean Bandit. I Smiled As He Fall Fast Asleep. I Just Hope Shaun Isn't Mad Or Disappointed At Me. I Put All My Thoughts Aside And Went To Sleep.

Hey Guys!😆. Hopefully This Didn't Take To Long Too Come Out But Yeah Hopefully It's Good And The Next One Will Be Out Soon. Anyway Enjoy And Have An Amazing Day! ~~Denise😁💜

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