Chapter one - The Flight

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I was in the car, on my way to the airport. Everything felt too surreal. Was I actually really going to LA? I was so excited but yet so scared. The drive to the airport was pretty short.

"We're here Alex! " my mom said excitedly . All of my luggage was already unloaded from the car when I got out. I hugged both my mom and dad and said my final goodbyes before walking into the airport and getting checked in for my flight. Before I knew it I was on a plane going to LA and I couldn't have been any more excited than I already was.

I got a rush of excitement and anxiety. I pulled my phone out and texted my best friend, Luna.
"Hey, I'm on the plane and I'm super nervous" I said.
"Oh my gosh!! I can't wait until you get to LA you gotta tell me about all the hot guys you're going to see there!" She replied
"Don't worry girl I'll keep ya updated! But I gotta go for now, I'm gonna try and get some sleep" I said turning off my phone. The plane was getting ready to take off. I set an alarm to wake me up half an hour before I get to LA, so I could do my makeup and get changed.

I was currently wearing a sweat shirt and sweatpants. Which is definitely not a great look for me.

Hey guys! I can't wait for you to read this and I hope you all like it!
This chapter is pretty boring but it'll get a lot more interesting as there will be a lot of controversy between some of the boys ;)
More chapters will be coming out soon!

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