The New Kid

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Why me? Why can't I just sit back and be quiet? Why do I feel the need to have to help someone? I just want to leave people alone, but I can't. It's all HIS fault.

Kein's POV
Ugh... This class is so boring...
I sat in my seat uncomfortably as I looked at my teacher to make it seem as if I was listening. I heard the words take notes and I pulled out my notebook and started to draw on the edges of the paper. I heard the door open and I shifted my head to see who it was, and to my surprise, it was someone I had never seen before.

He had black curly hair and wore round glasses. He had on a large sweater and was hiding his face in his books. Hmm... Strange. Why is he here?

"Hello There. You must be Tyler."
He moved his head slowly in what I made out to be a nod.

"My name is Mrs. Perrie, welcome to your homeroom Tyler."
She said with a calm smile. I guess I got my answer. He's a new student...
"Now, let's find you a seat... " she looked around for a empty seat. Now, the thing about this is there are TWO empty seats. For some crazy reason, her eyes decided to fall upon the seat next to mine. Great.
"You can have a seat next to Kein. He will be a great partner for you this year! Kein, raise your hand please."

I rose my hand, slowly and faced the other way.
Great. This is just great. Another person to add on to the stupidity of this classroom.

"There you are sweetie. Okay Tyler, you can go have a seat now."
I turned my head slightly to see the curly headed boy walk slowly over to his new seat. When he sat down, he didn't even look at me. He just looked down at the table and I saw his face turn a slight shade of red.

"Okay class! Let's finish from where we left off." She wrote numbers on the whiteboard and told us to write exactly what she does.
Eh... I know this stuff already. I thought, as I looked over at Tyler to see if he was listening or not. We must have had the same idea because when I looked up to study him, his eyes caught mine. He flushed and immediately looked back down at his notebook to continue writing. Me? I was confused. He was acting strange.

Very strange..

It was the end of Math class. Finally. In our school we get to transition on our own. No more lines. I smiled at the thought and headed towards the door. Just before I could leave Mrs. Perrie called out to me.
"Kein! Wait a minute." I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at her blankly. She put her right arm on my shoulder, and used the other to point at Tyler.
"You have to show him where all the classes are before going your next class. After all he is new here." What? Now I have to tutor him? He has a brain. I'm pretty sure he can follow up with every one else.
I sighed and looked over in his direction, and he was still putting his things away. She nudged me and I rolled my eyes. "Don't Worry, I'll write you a note."

I honestly didn't care about being late to my next class, he just was interfering with my plans. Yes, I had plans. Plans to skip my next class of course...But maybe showing him around might not be as bad as I thought it would be. I smirked and put my hands in my pocket to wait for my note to be written.
Tyler Sat up and walked over to the teacher's desk avoiding my gaze again. He looked up at the pictures drawn above the window.
I saw Mrs. Perrie look his way and smile. "You know Tyler, that piece of art you happen to be staring at is one of my favorites,"

She handed me the sticky note and turned back to him. "Do you like it?"
He nodded and kept staring at it. I was relaxing with my back against the wall really excited that I got to miss my next class. Er, well half of it. It's still the thought that counts.

"See Kein, I told you your artwork was amazing."

I shot my head up and looked at her, wondering what she was blabbing on about. "Tyler says that he likes your artwork, and I would agree." I looked over in his direction and realized that picture was mine. I drew that.

Dang it. I knew I shouldn't of gave that to her! I told her Not to put it where people could see! I knew her creepy smirk had to mean something! I looked down at my feet to try and hide the warmness that wanted to consume my face.

She smiled at me and put the stopper in the door. "Alright you two. Have a wonderful day, and remember what I told you Kein." Tyler looked at her slightly confused. "Don't worry honey, he's just going to show you around."
With that I walked out of the classroom thinking back to my plans. This is gonna be perfect! I grinned idiotically and started to walk. I heard extremely quiet footsteps behind me and turned around. I made eye contact with him again only for like two seconds and remembered I had to tutor him.
Oh yea.... I sighed and looked at him once again. "Ok Tyler, are you ready?"


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