Tutoring Tyler

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Tyler's POV
"Are you ready?" I heard the freckled face boy say.

"Yes." I managed to say before my face turned red again. I don't know why I blush so much. It gets really embarrassing after a while. I mean I blush for no reason at all. I feel like my face wants me to be embarrassed...
"Huh? Oh sorry." I looked down again, and started to blush. Yay.
"Are you alright? I called your name like five times." He said kind of annoyed.

Five times? Am I really that distant from reality?
I looked down again, So I didn't have to face him. For some reason, everytime I look at him I feel.....different.

Kein's POV
Hmm.... He keeps staring at his feet... He's acting weird again. And he didn't even answer my question, how rude.

"Never mind. Just follow me." I walked to the reading classroom. "This, is the reading room. We go here right after Math class. The teacher's name is Mr.Stein. Got it?" He looked at me and nodded slowly. "Next class we have is social studies or history if that's what you want to call it. Ms. Smith is the teacher of this room," I said pointing to room 312. "After that we have Fape, and this trimester we have art and PE." He looked at me with a hopeful look in his eyes.

Did he like to draw too?

" The art room is on the second floor and the gym is n-"
"Can we go to the art room?" He said cutting me off. I looked at him waiting for him to look back at me. When he did, I said that we could. For the first time, I saw him smile.

Why is smiling? Did I make him happy? Or was it the thought of the art room that got him all cheesy? Eh.. Why should I care anyways?

We walked down to the second floor and I told him to be quiet because some of the classroom doors were open. "Okay, this is the art room. But we can't go in because there's a class right now." He looked kind of sad when I said that. I rolled my eyes and put my hand on his shoulder.
"Don't look like that. We have this Class today." He looked at me and blushed like usual. But he looked a tad bit happier, Which was good.
"Now after Art, we have science and then we go home. Mr. Luis Is the teacher of that class. Oh, and you can go back upstairs to you're next class... There's still like 10 minutes left." I grinned, glad that this was over. I looked over to see why he hasn't moved. Just before I had the chance to speak he said something, but I didn't understand him.
"I-i said, what about lunch? You said after science we go home..."
He still wasn't looking at me.
"Oh yea, we have lunch after art class." I said frowning.
Lunch. Eh.. The lunch is horrible, maybe that's why I forgot. Hopefully the poor guy brought his own lunch. Otherwise he'd be in some serious trouble.

I looked at him again but he still didn't move. Therefore I said, " You know, standing there isn't going to get this over with. You should go to your next class." The last part I said kind of frustrated. I couldn't just leave him here, if I did who knows what could happen. He could stay here so long someone might there's something physically wrong with him. Or maybe he might run into Max, er I mean Max might run into him. Which is also bad. BUT THE WORSE PART IS THAT I CAN'T DO ANYTHING WHILE HE'S RIGHT HERE! HE'S GOING TO MESS UP MY FREE TIME!
He spoke again.
"What? Speak up!" I nearly yelled.
He kind of shivered, maybe I scared him? "N-never mind." He started to walk back to the stair well.
Eh...whatever. Now, I can finally go have some fun! Wait. What was I planning on doing? Eh?! I forgot? It's all his fault! If he would have just gone to class like I asked I would've remembered! DANG IT. Stupid Tyler! I'm going to have to go to class in a little while! Why am I still thinking about him? I should be focused on more important things!

I started to walk down the hallway when I caught a familiar pair of eyes locked on me. I sighed and grabbed the bridge of my nose. "Why aren't you going to class?" My eyes shot up at him ferociously, causing him to look down. "I wanted to ask you something..."
What is it this time? When are we going to eat breakfast?!
I still looked at him waiting for an answer.
"Oh, I wanted to know why..." He started playing with his fingers. "Why you weren't coming to class..?" He looked up at me shyly, his face slightly red.

That was an unexpected question.

I didn't know how to answer really, so I asked, "And why do you care? That's none of your business, sir." He looked down again, this time turning redder than before.
"I was just asking... No need to get upset."
No need to get upset? I wouldn't be upset if you weren't here in the first place!
I really wanted to say that, but for some reason I didn't. I took a deep breath and fixed my bag that was irritating my shoulder.
"Whatever." I said looking at the clock on the top of someone's room door.

Eh?! It's 9:00 already? Come on! Why did I say something to him? I just had to speak to him. Had to. This is his fault. Why can't he just leave me be? I know it's not really that much to get worked up over, but I mean I could've been doing something exciting. But no. This guy just had to be in the way of that.
I let out a scream of irritation. "FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!"
I turned to face him again and my eyes narrowed. I stomped up the stairs and went right past him without looking or speaking to him. I walked into my next class and sat down in my seat at the back of the classroom. I peeked over to my side and saw another empty chair. I looked at that chair as if it was the end of the world.

You gotta be kidding me.

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