Batgirl: War is coming (part one)

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Part one: Birthdays

Crime Alley

|It's been a while|

Batgirl watched as Robin raise his katana up to their target's neck, threatening him with a dangerous glare.

|One month of preparation|

When the thug defended himself, Batgirl jumped down the roof and threw a batarang at his feet. It broke into two, connecting each end with an unbreakable cord as it wrap around the thug's ankles up to his knees. Batgirl kicked him down to the ground and glared down the man.

Robin knelt down beside him and retrieved the stolen artifact that belonged to Gotham City's museum.

|Still needs practice|

"Good job, you two." Batman said.

He stood on top of one of the many buildings in Gotham, staring down at Batgirl and Robin.

"It was nothing, Big B." Batgirl cackled.

Robin rolled his eyes under his mask, still trying to cope with the newfound nickname for his father.

"I think we should head home now." He said.

"What? It's only twelve midnight, Rob. Why would we go home so early?" She asked.

Robin turned to his father, a knowing look displayed on his face. Batman nodded and looked at Batgirl seriously.

"He's right," he said, "we still have to sort some things in the cave."

|Okay, what is going on here? I'm pretty sure we've "sorted" everything in the cave.|

As Batman drive his Batmobile in the cave, Batgirl and Robin followed behind with their motorbikes.

"What's up, Wayne?" Batgirl asked.

She parked her motorbike just beside the Batmobile, taking off her mask as she get off. Robin hopped off his own cycle and pulled his helmet off his head.

"You'll see," is his only reply.

With a huff, Batgirl went to change back into normal clothes and fixed her hair. After that, she headed back to the cave to see Bruce and Damian already in their classic black long sleeves and jeans.

"So, what do we have to sort out?" She asked.

Bruce and Damian looked at each other, then back at Kara who was waiting patiently.

"It's upstairs," Damian said.

"Okay," she nodded slowly.

"Come on," Damian said.

He grabbed her wrist gently and climbed up the stairs leading to the manor.

|Things are starting to get weirder and weirder.|

"Surprise!" Voices yelled.

Kara blinked, looking at the people gathered in the living room.

"Happy birthday, Kara!" The exclaimed.

A banner was hung on the ceiling, balloons tied in many places. Everyone had party hats on and someone just popped a party popper, shooting so many confettis.

"Wait, this is what we're supposed to sort out?" She asked.

"Yeah," Damian chuckled, "it's the least we could do for everything you did."

Kara smiled, pulling Damian in a tight hug that he only returned with a tighter one.

"Thank you," she mumbled.

"Awwwww," everyone cooed.

Kara rolled her eyes, laughung as she pull away from Damian and started thanking everyone who came. It was a simple party, only the whole Batfamily were there. But it was enough for Kara, just seeing them alive and healthy is good enough for her.

"Tim! Jason!" She exclaimed.

She hugged both guys tightly, smiling brightly. Jason and Tim chuckled at her actions and hugged her back.

"How is it? Training and whatever." She asked.

"We're progressing," Tim said.

Kara pulled away to talk them properly.

"Yeah, the Outlaws can beat your team any day." Jason smirked.

"Stephanie's on my team, Jason. Remember that." Tim scoffed.

"Speaking of Stephanie," Kara smiled.

Stephanie came walking towards them with a big smile on her face. She hugged Kara tightly and giggled in her ear.

"Kara! Oh my gosh, you're as tall as me now!" She exclaimed.

"Glad to see you too, Steph." Kara smiled.

Once Stephanie pulled away, Tim had his arm around her waist in a possessive manner. Jason and Kara looked at each other, then back at Tim's hand.

"What's going on?" Jason asked.

"Well, ever since Tim made a new team (Red Spoilers), we've been rebuilding our broken bond and got together. I think." Stephanie muttered.

Kara laughed, shaking her head as Jason stare at the two in shock. Is this even real?

"Yeah, she's my girlfriend, Jason. Live with it." Tim said.

They kept on chatting, Kara going to talk to everyone else to catch up with them. And once she got to talk to everyone, she decided to go outside to the Manor's backyard and sit on one of the benches.

"A penny for you thoughts?"

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