Batgirl: War is coming (part two)

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Part two: That Never Happened

Wayne Manor, Garden

Kara looked up from her lap, meeting Damian's emerald eyes. With a smile, she scooted over to let him sit beside her.

"What's wrong?" Damian asked.

He sat beside her, looking at her troubled face as he ask his question.

|How come he always knows it when I think of something?|

"The party was great," she said, "but even a party can't get my mind off of what's coming. They're out there, preparing themselves, training harder. I just can't celebrate my birthday knowing that we'll be doomed afterwards."

"Hey," Damian whispered, "don't worry much about it, okay? We still have two months to prepare oursevles."

He held her shoulders, making her twist her body a bit to face him. He looked deep into her eyes, a gently smile on his lips.

"As long as we have each other, we will be fine. We have every hero helping us, Kara. We won't be doomed." He said.

He started leaning in, not in control of his actions. As if on instinct, Kara leaned in as well. Both their eyes fluttered close.

|What the heck is happening?|

And soon enough, their lips met. Kara can feel Damian's soft lips on hers as she pull him closer, her hands on his neck as Damian's went down to her waist.

They carried on, deepening the kiss as they enjoy the blissful dawn. Damian's left hand went roaming around her back, pulling her closer to him as Kara's hand went down to his chest.


Kara soon pulled away, panting heavily as she stare into Damian's mermerizing eyes. That's when her mind went back to work.

"Shoot," she muttered.

She gently pushed Damian's body from her, a horrified look on her face.

"This never happened, okay?" She said.

Damian was shocked by what she just said. It would probably be impossible for him to forget such a moment with her. But he respected her, he thought it would bebest to let her think for a while.

"R-right," he nodded, "never happened at all."

He longed for another one, but he stopped himself. If it was Kara's wish to forget it, then he'll grant it. But he will definitely not forget that moment when their lips met for the first time.

|Gosh, he likes someone else! Why would you go and lose your first kiss to him, Kara?! He likes someone! Get it through your thuck skull!|

"Let's head back inside." Kara said.

She stood up from her spot, stretching her arms a bit.

"I'll stay here for a bit," Damian replied, "I'd like to have some fresh air."

"Okay," Kara nodded, "I'll see you later."

She walked back inside the manor, her thoughts never leaving the moment they just shared. The kiss was amazing, phenomenal even. But she can't just go and kiss her best friend when she knows that he likes someone else.

Deep in thought, she didn't notice Barbara until she bumped into her. Kara's eyes widened, looking up at her big sister.

"What's wrong, K? You look upset." Barbara confronted.

"Can I talk to you in private, Babs?" Kara asked.

|I really hope she won't tell anyone about this, especially my dad.|

"Of course," Barbara smiled, "let's talk upstairs in your room, okay?"

"Okay," Kara nodded.

Barbara took two plates and put some cake in them before following Kara upstairs to her bedroom.

|This will be so awkward.|

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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