"Oh my gosh just open you stupid locker" I said. "Can you hurry up our class is on the other side of the school" said Y/F/N. I finally got my locker open and threw all of my crap in there. "Done" I said. As we were walking to class Wyatt was walking the other way. I liked him a lot. We were good friends but I just wish that we could be something more. He smiled and waved at me and I waved back blushing. "Damn your falling for him HARD" said Y/F/N. WTF no I am not I said looking away blushing. Y/N, I'm your best friend I know when you like someone she said back to me. "Ok ok I do I like him" I said. "OHHHH SHIT" said Jack. "WTF JACK DID YOU HEAR THAT" I said. "Yep YOU LIKE ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS" he said smiling. Jack Grazer was one of my best friends basically we were more friends than me and Wyatt. "Promise please promise me you won't TELL ANYONE" I said. "I promise why didn't you tell me tho" said jack. "I haven't told anyone you and Y/F/N are the first to know I replied. "Well now I know your secret" Jack said smirking. "Omg" I said laughing.
It was finally FRIDAY I just wanted to leave the school already. My last class is science and Wyatt is my partner. We were in science when Wyatt turned to me. "Hey Y/N I need to ask you some girl advice" Wyatt said. "Ya" I said. "Well there's this girl that I have liked for awhile I want to tell her but I'm afraid" he said. My heart dropped I knew it he would never like me I knew for a fact that it wasn't me. I just stared at him until I realized I had to say something. "Uh just tell her and if she doesn't like you it's ok" I replied. I hurried and looked away because I just felt like I was going to burst into tears. "Ya your right" Wyatt said.
That was the bell finally I just wanted to go home and cry. I walked out of the classroom without saying goodbye to Wyatt because I just couldn't do it. I ran into jack. "Hey what's wrong" jack said. "Today Wyatt asked for girl advice he didn't say who he liked but I know for sure it's not me because why the hell would he be asking me" I said quickly. I hugged jack. "Hey don't give up hope he might like you trust me" said jack. We stopped hugging. "Trust me" jack said smiling. I looked at him confused. " Well I gots to go" he said. After jack left I went to my locker to grab my jacket. As I opened it a piece of paper fell out. I thought it was just homework or notes. I couldn't believe it.