day one

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"MY parents are going to kill me."

minhyuk groaned for the millionth time, while jooheon spun backwards in his seat to give him a look of mild disappointment.

"it's not like the teacher hadn't reminded us every chance he had for the past three days," jooheon sighed, "we're eighteen, for god's sake. i don't understand how you could forget it. even if you started on it tonight, you still wouldn't be able to finish it."

"tell me something i don't know," minhyuk scoffed, and jooheon watched him tilt back his chair, head leaning out of the backrest, and at the same time manage to stalk a boy's instagram on his phone upside down. "these are my grades we're talking about. if i don't get my hands on a five page essay by tomorrow, i'm as good as dead."

"actually, there might be one person who can help you," jooheon suggested, and minhyuk sat up to face him so abruptly the former was worried his neck would snap.
"who is it?" minhyuk was willing to do practically anything if it meant saving his grades.

well, that, and he would rather not be skinned alive by his parents.

"you know chae hyungwon, right?"

"the guy one year older than us who's popular for his good looks, and also ranked one of the most handsome students in our school? never heard of him." minhyuk rolled his eyes. "what's so special about him, apart from anyone else?"

"hey, he might look like a flower boy, but he's got a pretty impressive thing going on behind that pretty face of his." jooheon turned his head left and right, as if he was worried someone would overhear. "i've heard some people went to him for the projects that they needed, too. nobody knows where he gets them from, or if he does it himself, but he can and will, for a price."

"what kind of price?" minhyuk was starting to regret using up pretty much all of his allowance this week.

"depends on whatever he says." jooheon shrugged. "but it's worth a shot if you're desperate enough."

"where's his classroom, then?" minhyuk chewed on his lip. he could worry about the price later; as of right now, the essay seemed more important than anything.

"just two rooms down from ours." jooheon pointed over his shoulder. "but do you want me to go with you? if the rumors are true, his charisma is no joke."

"what am i, a hormonal teenager?" minhyuk stood up, holding up a hand to silence jooheon before he could point out that, yes, he kind of was. "never mind, don't answer that. i can go by myself."

he would never admit it himself, but there was no point in denying the fact that minhyuk felt a bit intimated by hyungwon. he hadn't had any personal encounters with him, but according to what jooheon told him and also the gossip spread around, no one was able to resist his charm, regardless of gender or age. but to him, this hyungwon sounded more like a fuckboy than anything. in fact, was he really anywhere near as impressive as he sounded?

minhyuk could hear the conversations of a few people inside the classroom, and he double-checked to see if he was at the right place, mentally steeling himself.

"what brings you here, kid?" someone appeared in front of him, leaning on the doorframe, and if the lisp, pale skin, and teal highlights on his dark hair were anything to go by, he could guess that this was hoseok, hyungwon's best friend, also popular for his visuals and nice body.

"i'm looking for chae hyungwon," minhyuk tried his best to calm himself, but it was no use, as it was quickly replaced by a growing sense of anxiety eating away at the back of his mind when hoseok nodded, lips curling into a knowing smile, and called over his shoulder.

"hyungwon, someone wants to see you."

peering over hoseok's shoulder, minhyuk saw a tall and slender figure stand up, closing his book with a dull thud and walking over to the two.
as hoseok stepped aside and went back to his seat, shooting minhyuk either a look of amusement or reassurance - he couldn't tell - he finally had the chance to take a good look at hyungwon, and did a double take.

people aren't thirsty for him for nothing, he thought, as his eyes took in the soft, thick lips and perfectly windswept hair.

"how many pages?"

"i- what?" minhyuk sputtered. there were a lot of ways to greet someone, and this was definitely not one of them.

"you've come to me for an essay, haven't you? so how many pages?" hyungwon sounded like he was losing patience, which minhyuk found ridiculous; he hadn't even been standing here for more than two minutes.


"and the topic?"

"our favorite musician."

"a five page essay about your favorite musician? nice, i like a good challenge." hyungwon smirked. "when's it due?"

"tomorrow afternoon."

hyungwon thought about this for a moment, before nodding. "alright. your name?"

"lee minhyuk. what's the price?" minhyuk couldn't tear his eyes away from hyungwon's pink and glossy lips. either he used chapstick, or his lips were just naturally really nice.

"this one's a bit harder, i'd say. and out of everyone who forgets their homework, you're the cutest i've seen." hyungwon tapped his finger on his chin, deep in thought. "how about this? be my fuck buddy."

minhyuk was sure his ears weren't working properly. "you want me to what?"

"be my fuck buddy for one week. a reasonable price, isn't it?" hyungwon smiled sweetly and leaned closer to gently kiss his forehead, a gesture that was completely unexpected in terms of what he had just suggested. "meet me in the gym tomorrow during lunch break, and make sure nobody sees you. i'll see you very soon, lee minhyuk."

and with that, minhyuk found himself back in his seat behind jooheon, getting ready for self study.

"so how'd it go?" jooheon whispered. "what was the price?"

"he told me to be his fuck buddy." minhyuk almost laughed at how funny it all seemed. "he's probably joking anyway."

"i don't think he is," jooheon retorted. "i mean, he doesn't seem like the type to joke around with things like this."

"just go back to studying." minhyuk whacked the younger's head with his notebook, earning a dirty look from the teacher sitting in the front. he tried to focus on his maths worksheet, but no matter what he did, his mind kept wandering back to the conversation ten minutes earlier, and the request that had followed.

sighing in annoyance, he held up a hand to rub away the ghost of the kiss that still lingered on his forehead and wouldn't go away.

chae hyungwon couldn't be serious, right?

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