day three ; am

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HYUNGWON might have been a fuckboy in the form of a tall, slender nineteen year-old with a pretty face, but at least he was one to keep his word.

minhyuk was slumping on his pillow against the wall of his bedroom, recalling how the teacher had praised him yesterday for his good work on the essay, and admittedly felt slightly guilty about how it wasn't even his own doing.

but i'm somewhat paying the price for it anyway, he assured himself as he subconsciously searched the name 'chae hyungwon' on instagram, seeing a profile picture with said person's face on the first result. pressing it, it opened up to display rows upon rows of what mostly consisted of selfies, along with an occasional aesthetic-looking scenery photo. minhyuk's jaw went slack in awe; how was it possible to for anyone to look this flawless, even without a filter? he heard from jooheon that hoseok was an ulzzang - minhyuk sighed in sympathy for his friend; poor boy was falling head over heels for the good-looking athlete, whom most people were already fighting over - but hyungwon could definitely become one if he tried, without a doubt.

too immersed in the photos, minhyuk nearly jumped out of his skin when the doorbell screeched loudly through his house, as if scolding him for half-stalking someone online like some middle aged pedophile. sighing and propping himself up on his elbows, he wondered who had decided to give him an unexpected visit on a saturday morning.

he opened the door, his eyes trailing up from the visitor's skinny legs to their slim figure, finally landing on their lips, which minhyuk knew all too well.

oh no.

"i hope i haven't interrupted your sleep," hyungwon beamed, much to the shorter's annoyance.

"what are you doing here- no, how did you even know where i live?" was the only understandable question minhyuk knew to ask. there were many more things to say that he had in mind, of course, but most of them involved at least one or two cuss words. knowing basic manners, he had no choice but to let hyungwon in, the latter strolling in breezily and taking in the organized chaos that was minhyuk's living room.

"remember, i said one week, so naturally that includes weekends," hyungwon said, in a tone that sounded like he was offended. "i asked your kind friend jooheon for your address, and he was more than willing to provide it."

the raven-haired boy grit his teeth, knowing that jooheon must be enjoying this a lot, especially since minhyuk was the victim of this whole ordeal. he mentally vowed to himself to make sure jooheon got a taste of his own medicine. "and why are you here, exactly?"

"oh, i was about to get to that." hyungwon stopped abruptly in his tracks, turning to face minhyuk with an unreadable smile tugging at his lips. "grab your things, we're going shopping."

"are you a teenage girl? why do you want to go shopping?" minhyuk scoffed, but he walked into his bedroom to grab his phone nonetheless, hyungwon at his heels like a puppy waiting for their owner to take them out for a walk.

"are these your clothes?" hyungwon said suddenly, opening his wardrobe and filing through the clothes inside as minhyuk grabbed his phone, making sure to close his instagram after returning to his own profile.

"no, they're my grandma's."

hyungwon laughed at that -- minhyuk noticed that it wasn't his usual chuckle of incalculable mischief or a dry laugh; it was genuine and sincere, which, to him, strangely made the brunette seem just a little bit less of an asshole.

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