Welcome to the War

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On a dark night in the seas of Mistral, a large, prisoner vessel passes through the sea. Two lights from the ship shine down on a smaller, military style boat which seems almost out of power.

Captain: (On the Radio) Unidentified Mistral Military Vessel, this prisoner transport ship 77-2A. Please respond, over.

Cut to inside the bridge of the ship.

Captain: Unidentified Mistral Military vessel, are you receiving us?

On a readout on computer terminal screen: 62% DAMAGE TO EXTERNAL HULL

Helmsman: Eh. Comms are acting kind of funny. Maybe they can't hear us?

Stars: That or they fell asleep at the wheel.

Captain: Unidentified Mistral vessel, can you just give us a sign that you're reading us?

The ship's lights flash once.

Helmsman: Oh hey, she lives!

Captain: Unidentified Mistral vessel, are you able to make your way to our starboard docking bay? We'll be able to assist you from there.

The ship's lights flash once

Helmsman: Well. There you go.

Captain: Stars, meet with Burly and Kelly in docking. Give these boys a hand.

Stars: Wait, how do we know that meant yes? What if two flashes means "yes," and one flash means "stay away, Grimm babies" or something like that?

The small military vessel begins to drive off to the docking bay.

Captain: You were saying?

Stars: Yeah, yeah. Whatever.

Cut to Stars on the upper level deck of the prisoner holding room, in front of a control panel.

Various prisoners are shouting and heckling.

Prisoner 1: Hey Stars, why we stoppin'?

Prisoner 2: Lemmee guess, you're letting us go?

Prisoners laugh.

Stars: (Striding past the cells.) Quiet down. Just picking up what I hope are hitchhiking cheerleaders.

Prisoner 3: In your dreams!

Cut to Stars entering Starboard Docking Bay, as seen through a security camera.

Burly: C'mon, Stars! Hurry up, we've got a job to do.

Kelly: It's just weird, seeing a military craft out here all alone. Especially after Beacon's fall.

Stars: Oh, maybe it's one of those covert ops. Some hush-hush "you never saw us" type of deal?

Kelly: Yeah, and if we're lucky they're kill you to keep quiet about it.

Burly: Hey. We've got a job to do.

The bay door opens and hatch descends. A silhouetted female figure steps into view.

Burly: Hands in the air!

Lavender: (Hands up) Yes, sir.

Kelly: It's...just one guy?

Lavender: (Chuckles) Won't find anyone else on this ship.

Burly: Come on out. Take it slow.

Lavender descends down the ramp.

Stars: You all right?

Lavender: Yeah. I'm just glad ya found me.

Stars: (Leaning toward Kelly) This girl don't sit right with me.

Team FLME: Volume 5Where stories live. Discover now