The Temple

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The opening ends to FLME and Isaac wondering up to the pyramid structure. As the team is walking, Leia runs up next to Isaac.

Leia: So, what exactly are we gonna find at this library?

Isaac: Hopefully knowledge around the Guardian of Flame which Fred will read, remember and learn from and continue on to the next temple and keep that up until-

Leia: I said THIS library, not the battle plan.

Isaac: Well, again. Knowledge that we can use to find the next temple and break Onyx down.

Leia: Fun, fun. So what do you think the guys outside are doing?

Isaac: Maybe you should go ask them.

Leia: Well that was rather rude.

Isaac: Just like your parents.

Leia: (Snaps and points at Isaac) Nice!

The two high five.

Further up, Fred, May and Ember are walking, about to approach the library. The group finally arrives at the structure and move through the large triangular shipped door. As they pass through, the group is met with levels upon levels of books and writings.

May: Whoa. This...this is impressive.

Ember: Beats your forrest home.

May: I am on the verge of killing you.

Ember leans down next to May's human ear.

Ember: No you're not.

May pulls on Ember's fox ear.

Ember: Ow! My ego!

Ember falls on the ground and May begins laughing. Fred walks past them and looks up.

Fred: I'll go up and get reading. Or, find something Dad has pointed out. (He takes out his Abraham's old journey) You four, stay here and guard the area.

Fred begins to leap up floor by floor to the top of the library and runs into an isle of books. Back on the ground, the four watch as Fred runs into the library.

Ember: Isaac, bring your deck?

Isaac takes out a deck of cards.

Ember: (Cracks knuckles) Let's go. _________________________________________________________

Outside, Violet is sitting on a rock, looking out into the woods. Behind her, Ing and Llew walk up to her.

Ing: You alright?

Violet: Yeah. Fine as always.

Llew: With the attitude towards you mother, we had assumed-

Violet: Then don't assume.

Ing: Vi, you sure you're ok?

Violet: Yeah.

From the trees, rustling is heard.

Violet: What the heck was that?

From the temple's entrance, Bazaar and Amethyst overhear and head towards Violet. The two arrive and peer out into the wilderness.

Amethyst: It's probably nothing.

Bazaar: Never underestimate the eyes of the youth.

Amethyst: What, you calling me old?

Bazaar glances at Amethyst

Bazaar: Truthfully...yes.

Another rustle is heard. Bazaar glances back at Amethyst.

Team FLME: Volume 5Where stories live. Discover now