Life saver

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A/N shawn is not famous in this one

"What do you mean? I just got home last month and my wife needs me" i heard Shawn arguing over the phone in his office probably to his boss. You see, Shawn is a doctor in the military so he could be away at war for a couple if weeks or months. It's very hard for both of us, i mean his life is put at risk as much as the soldiers fighting out there. I just hope he doesn't have to go out for war again after all our 1st child is due in a month,
I heard a door slam which made me to come out of my thoughts, I went into our bedroom to see Shawn who was on the bed with his head in his hands.
"You alright there honey?" I asked. He just sighed and did not respond. "I'm just gonna stand here, a pregnant woman who is due in a month, and wait for a reply and-" "FINE, boss says we are out to Asia again for war for 2 months and we are leaving in three days" he replied aggravated. I just stood there trying to take in what he just said. "WHAT? YOU ARE LEAVING ?WHEN? SHAWN DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?" I couldn't take this. "OF COURSE I KNOW WHAT IT MEANS, DO YOU NOT THINK I TRIED HARD TO GET MYSELF OUT OF THIS?" Shawn shouted and ruffled his hair in frustration. "I'm sorry, i shouldn't take it out on you" he apologised. "It's alright I just let my pregnancy hormones go crazy on your ass, I just don't want to lose you. You are one in a million. Thank god you come home safe, I mean how many people lose their husbands to war every year. I'm just grateful that's all" i said while he just sits there with no response. I can't take this no more, this job is turning Shawn into something else. I just walked away going back to run some errands, with a plan in mind.

3 mornings later
I knew Shawn would be up early since its the big day. I woke up earlier than Shawn, so i could carry out the plan I had in mind. I went to the kitchen to my dear husband some breakfast. As i was finishing up, i felt two strong arms wrap around my waist. I turned around to see Shawn in his uniform. "Good morning beautiful" he smiled and gave me a little peck on the lips. "Good morning honey, what you doing up so early, it's only 7 am and you're leaving at 10 am?". "Just to see one of my favourite people in the world" i served him his breakfast in the dining room.
I made him a cup of tea with 2 sugars, the usual, but little did he know that i actually dissolved sleeping tablets in his tea which will not wear if until 5 hours later. Boy is he going to hate me for this, but hey i'm saving his life. You don't see pregnant women doing these kind of things, i'm one in a million.
I joined him at the dining, as we both ate and talked. "You know i'm really sorry for what happened the other day, it's just stressful and you know i want to be there for the birth of our first child." He ranted. "Shawn it's fine, I mean there is nothing I can do to stop you from doing what you love to do. For better or for worse right?" "Yeah, well thank you so much my dear wife for this wonderful breakfast, as for me i am going to rest for a little while before i get ready" and as from then, he went up to the bedroom.
I started to tidy up the kitchen and by the time i finished up it was 9 am. I was a bit worried that the plan wouldn't work, but as I entered the bedroom i saw Shawn passed out on the bed. I was so relieved, it actually worked!!! The next step was to text his boss and this is what i wrote, 'Dear Mr.White, I am texting to let you know that I will not be coming along to this excursion and henceforth I am resigning from this job. If this job will not be flexible enough for me, then I am sorry I will not be returning. I will leave my uniform and kit at the reception. My wife needs me right now and if you can't respect that, then there is nothing left for me to do here. Good luck with the future. -Shawn Mendes-' My finger trembled as i hit the send button, knowing that Shawn would be beyond mad with me. I took all the stuff belonging to the military and dropped it off at the reception. This may all seem harsh, but if he can't realise what this is doing to our relationship and to himself then I will do all that I can to save our relationship. Didn't he know he was marrying a crazy woman.
By the time I got home it was 1:30 pm, Shawn was supposed to be awake by now. As i unlocked the door, taking a deep breath knowing the trouble waiting for me. I walked into the sitting room seeing Shawn with his head in his hands. Man was I scared, I was even sweating and it is the middle of November. He looked up at me, his eyes filled with wrath and resentment "what is this?" He asked holding his phone up with the text i wrote. "Shawn I can explain-". "How dare you take away something like this from my life? Do you know what kind of reputation this sets for me. WHY CAN'T YOU BE LESS SELFISH FOR ONCE" he shouted. "Shawn I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to leave. Do you think it's easy for a woman to watch her husband risk his life, to go out to war and fear he is never coming back? Do you not think I'm doing this to save you, to save us. Can't you see that ever since you've gotten this job, you have changed. We don't even spend time together anymore, I can't remember the last time you said you love me. I can't take this no more Shawn, I can't".
"Well if you can't then leave and don't forget the divorce papers" he said emotionlessly pointing at the door. "Fine, but don't call me saying you want to be a part of this child's life" i said, while walking out the door and into my car. This is too much stress for a pregnant woman and I shouldn't be driving. To take my mind off things i decided to do some shopping for myself, even though I wasn't feeling well. As i finished up my shopping i went to the till to pay for my items i felt a bit faint. As i was about to exit the shop i felt my knees weaken and suddenly everything went dark.
I woke up to find myself in a hospital room and as I turned from my uncomfortable position, i saw him. The one and only, Shawn.
He looked up at me with a tear stained face " you're awake!, oh my god Y/N you dont know how sorry I am for everything I put you through. I said things that weren't even true about you. Gosh, please forgive me" he begged. " and what happened to me being selfish and oh, the divorce papers" i questioned with pain in my voice and tears rolling down my cheeks. "You saved my life Y/N, the plane I was supposed to take got shot down by the other army and no one survived and that could've been me, but you saved me, everything I said back there was stupid and careless, please forgive me baby" he pleaded.
"Shawn just stand up, I'm grateful you're alive and all, but that doesn't mean we just forget about everything you said. I mean look at where I am now, in a hospital bed all because I was stressing over you and our little family, I love you Shawn, I really do, but please don't let it come to this again" i asked. "Of course baby, anything for you and little Shawn jr."
"Besides did you think I was actually going to get those divorce papers?"
"You're my crazy superhero" he chuckled as he leaned forward to kiss my forehead.

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