DWMMH 7:"Ryuuzetzu Resort"

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Natsu's POV

Right now we're at Ryuuzetsu and our expressions is really unexpected cause there is a group promo that was perfect for our group

'Every group that has twelve members in it can get a large suite equipped with six master bedrooms, three grand royal bathrooms, 96" plasma tv, kitchen, dining area, an entertainment room and a private pool just for your group for 3 days for only 90,000 J, just add an additional 5,000 J for an extra night, and 30,000 J for a week experience of our service' a man advertised their promo

"Let's take that promo" Luce said then ran to the counter to check in and we followed her

"Ok Miss I just need to who you are with and put their name, address and phone number, so we will know where to find you if lose any valuable thing at our resort" the clerk said as we arrived, as the clerk said did what he said and I can't help but to get angry because the clerk is flirting with Luce, My Luce

When we're done signing the log book, the clerk gave us the keys and called some staff to get our bags, and we went to our suite

Our suite is as promised, and the girls went to each room

"I'm gonna take this room" the girls shouted then got out of the room

"Then where will we sleep?" Gray, Gajeel, Jellal and Sting asked while Rouge and I are chilling at the couch

"Uhh, on the floor" Juvia, Levy, Erza and Yukino said

"Awe, come on Yukino can't we sleep together like when we were young" Sting said with disgusting looking puppy eyes

"Fine, but no loud snoring or you'll be sleeping by the pool" Yukino said threatening and Sting just nodded shaking

"How about us?" Gray, Gajeel and Jellal said

"Ok here's the deal on our rooms, Luce and I, Rouge and Kagura, Sting and Yukino, Erza and Jellal, Gray and Juvia, and Gajeel and Levy" I said

"Well, us the Slayers are fine but how about the girls" Gray, Jellal and Gajeel said smirking mischievously

"No way I'm sleeping with a stranger" Juvia, Erza and Levy declined

"Girls, come on just agree with the plan, I'm tired and I'm sure everyone is too" Luce said yawning

"Fine 3 weeks of sleeping with them is a deal, but we don't want them getting all 'FC' with us" Said Erza with authority

After the everyone went to their rooms and slept while Luce and I are awkwardly laying next to each other, staring at the ceiling, wondering in our thoughts

"Natsu" Luce then said

"Yeah?" I answered

"Do you think if Lissana didn't interfere we maybe happy with our relationship right now?" She asked subconsciously

"What?" I asked again then she came to her normal self

"Nevermind lets go to sleep" She said and closed her eyes

'We may be happily married with children and living happily with our family watching our children grow'

I answered in my mind and went to sleep

Author's POV

As morning comes the girls woke up early to cook breakfast because they don't feel like eating at the buffet, Lucy is making pancakes and waffles, Levy is making eggs and bacons, Juvia is making coffee and smoothies, Erza, Kagura and Yukino are arranging the table

A few minutes of cooking they were food enough to serve 48 persons, when they were done the girls they went to their to get their swimsuits ready, but as they were opening the door the boys were going out of their room to eat, so the girls nearly fell but the boys caught them before they fell

After that accident they completely ignored that that happened and proceeded like nothing happened then the girls told the boy's that breakfast is ready, but they have to wait for them, thus making the boys angry because they're hungry

By the time girls got out of the room, the boys were already about to eat, and the girls just joined them, an hour and a half later they were done eating and the boy's are responsible for washing the dishes and cleaning the dining area, while the girl put their swimsuits on and ready to go in to the water

Lucy was wearing a hot pink 2 piece , Levy with a orange with white ribbons 2 piece , Erza with a simple black 2 piece, Juvia with a blue with white dots 2 piece, Kagura with a white with black stripes 2 piece, and Yukino with a lime green with pink printed laces 2 pieces they all went in and splash in the pool

When boys were done cleaning they all to their rooms to change for their swimming trunks, Natsu wearing his orange with fire design trunks and he tide his muffler around his forehead, Gajeel with simple black, Jellal with dark green, Gray with dark blue, Sting with yellow, and Rouge with red swimming trunks

When they got to the pool they just had the nosebleed of their life, seeing the girls looking hot and wet makes them turned on because of their beauty and take some of the boy's just them they are already getting attracted to them

"Oh you're here, we'll leave you here to get some snacks" Lucy said and went inside the room with the girls minutes later they came back with all sorts of snack and they spent the whole day at the pool



Nightfall came and the girls and boys took a bath and ate dinner, after dinner and washing the dishes no one wanted to sleep yet so Levy asked the group

"Hey guys want to watch a movie?" She asked everyone

"Sure, what kind?" Erza answered

"Whatever you want, I have different kinds" She said

Everyone agreed to the plan, the girls made some snacks while the boys put pillows in front of the T.V.

When done getting the food done, everyone sat in front of the t.v. and picked a movie

The first movie they watched is Fairy Tail: The Phoenix Priestess

Next is Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry

After is Pitch Perfect

Then Pitch Perfect 2

And so on by 2:00 am the girls went to sleep while the boys still watching Games of Throne

By 4:00 am boy went to sleep as well.

To be continued

Word count: 1,070

Hey guys I know slow update, short chapter I'm very busy with school stuff since here in Philippines school starts at June I'm trying get some high grades so I'm very busy with homework, projects, group projects and other stuff so yeah thank you for still reading


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